Hello Sweden!

Luke 2006-03-13

I live in Canberra, the capital of Australia. Australia is a wonderful place. Our temperature is usually really good. It sometimes gets up to 38º C (or something close), but we get used to it. The weather here allows us to do many different types of sport. My favourite sports to play are cricket, tennis and I like to swim. Also, I like to watch AFL (Australia Football League).

There are many different animals here. One of my favourites is the
Kangaroo (see below). The Kangaroo is an animal that moves like a rabbit (hops) & can sometimes be as tall as a 10 year old! An emu is another great animal. They look a bit like ostrich’s but don’t have wings and are smaller.

I go to school at 8.30 for a 9.00 am start. We have two lessons, then recess, two lessons, then lunch, and two lessons before the end of the day which is at 3.25 pm.
My favourite subjects are all the languages, sport, music, science & geography.

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