
Edward Bissaker 2006-04-05

My name is Edward Bissaker. I live in Canberra Australia. During my breaks usually sit and talk with my friends, sometimes I will go play some sports. For lunch I normally eat food I bring from home, but sometimes I will take money to school and purchase my lunch from the school canteen. My average school day is from 9.00 am to 3. 25 pm, but sometimes I will have commitments before and after school. In my spare time I play with my friends from school (and outer) and do sport and school work. I have never tried sledge running, what is it? How do you do it? Is it fun? We have our school holidays in about 2 weeks, these holidays go for 2 and a half weeks. There are about 20-25 students in all my classes (although this number varies on the class). For homework be would generally be doing about 2-3 hours a week if you put a lot of effort into it. We have 30 class lessons per week although sometimes you may miss one or two due to outer commitments (music lessons etc).

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Edward Bissaker

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