I can´t live without

Tova 2005-03-01

I can’t live with out my friends. They are very important to me. Because they teach me stuff and they help me when I need help. They are always there for me when I need them. They comfort me, they make me laugh and they make me feel important too them. I can tell everything for them and they understand what I mean and how I feel. I feel always secure to have so great friends because if something bad or terrible happens me, they always make me see the positive side instead of the negative one. So it doesn’t look as bad as it feels.

But we have a lot of fun too. They have a great sense of humor. They make me laugh. And I make them laugh. It almost doesn’t matter what we do. We always have fun and laugh much.

I don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have any friends. Friends are the best things you can have. Friends are the best things I have. I love my friends and they know that. And that’s important that they know that.

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1. Same Hampus 2005-04-29

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