Socks and Katie

Hanna 7B 2006-04-07

Socks and Katie are in love!
Socks and Katie are in love!

It was very exciting to come from the U.S.A. to Sweden. It was very, very hot to sleep in a box in an airplane.

 When the students at Torskolan opened the box there very many surprises: candy, bottles, pencils, brochures... The students in grade 7 became very happy when they saw me. They have taken care of me excellently in Sweden. The second day some girls took a picture of me when I stood in front of the Torsås rooster and I have been visited lots of beautiful and interesting places.

About one week later a girl in Torsås had a cat that looked like me. That cat was a female and I fell in love (we are a couple now and we will always be). If you see a picture of me and another cat then it is Katie, my darling.
I would love to if you send this letter and the picture of me and Katie to the U.S.A. so they can see her as well.

Love, Socks

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3. Some English b-kvara bo se längst ner 2006-04-18
2. Socks and Katie Shirley A. McClinton-Watson 2006-04-13
1. Socks and Katie Shirley Watson 2006-04-12

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