Sponge Cake

Carina 2008-04-08

Sponge Cake 3 Eggs 3 dl Sugar 2 teaspoons Vanilla 75 g butter 1 dl Water 3 dl flour 2 teaspoons baking powder You do like this: 1. Butter a form (1½ l). Heat up the oven to 175 degrees 2. Whip the eggs and the sugar white and fluffy with an electric mixer 3. Add vanilla and the baking powder and mix everything with the electric mixer. 4. Add the flour and mix carefully with the electric mixer. 5. Melt the butter, pour the water into the butter and heat up again. Pour the lukewarm liquid into the cake mixture and whip it again. When the batter is flat, then pour it into a form. And put it directly in the oven. 6. Bake the cake in the lower part of the oven. (175 degrees for about 45 minutes). 7. Let the cake cool for a few minutes. Then slice it into small pieces. (You can freeze the cake if you want to)

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