The drop that made the cup spill over

Tanya 2005-05-09

One drop of my life for me being born.
One drop for my youth in tears and laughter.
One drop for my first day at school.
One drop for my very first teacher I liked.

These drops filled up three centimetres in my cup.

I received a drop for my first grade, and for my first kiss.
I got another for my first real friend, and for my first real enemy.

I’ve got a bunch for my family, I filled two centimetres up with tears.
I putted in some for the lots of laughter, and some was made of rage.

I continued with some more tears, from my tiredness and sadness.
From the anger and the regrets, and soon the cup was filled.

I thought to myself ;”What should I do? My cup is filled, and I am too. My life is not over, and my dreams hasn’t come through.”

But the drop that made my cup spill over, was made of compassion to you.

My cup is almost empty, only the most important are left.
You made me realise, I must live to death.

Full of love
Full of love to my family
Full of hate
Full of hate for those that hurt those I care for
Tears that there isn’t room for
Tears that running down my cheeks
Screams of anger
Anger that hurts everyone around
Fighting over place in my body
It isn’t room
They are coming out
Please beware
I’m just in your way of life
I’m only going to bring you pain
The only thing that’s left inside my body
Is the hate
The hate for the ones that hurts my loved ones
The hate for me

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