To Break Up With Someone

Mikaela 2011-11-20

To break up with someone is like a little mosquito bite.
You never see the mosquito, but when you discover the bite you try not to scratch.
But it itches, so you scratch and the bite becomes bigger. After a little while the little bite has become a big tumor, and you can't stop it from growing.

I remember when my boyfriend left me. It's not so long ago, so it still hurts a bit to talk about it. I was in the sprotshall with my friend to look at a floorball match. We stood there talking when her eyes suddenly got big as a bowling ball, I turned around and there he was. He just passed me without saying a word, not even Hello. I understood that this was the end, so I asked him:
" Are you going to brake up with me? "
And the answer I got was so stupid that I actually belived in it.
" No, why would I? I love you more than you understand "
And just one day after that it was over. He left me with a hole big as the moon in my chest. He said that he would be better than all of my friends together, well is he?
I haven't heard from him since then. He is such a chicken when it comes to things like that.

Brek ups often start with a tiny thing, then you make it bigger and bigger, and it all ends with the horrible break up. Exactly like the mosquito bite that you scratch so it gets bigger and after a while there is a scar.

To break up you need courage. To move on you need strength. After a while he will be a beautiful memory in your heart.

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