One moment in my life

If you’re an old human, if you have an old body, maybe you can’t talk or see, maybe you can’t walk or hear. You have only your thoughts to think about. You have lived a long life, with many moments in. Moments you will forget, and...

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Our mascot

We are going to visit our Czech friends in October and we want to bring our mascot. It´s a moose but it has no name yet. Have you a good name for her/him?

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Alexandra´s diary

Read Alexandra´s diary about the Comenius meeting in Torsås on the 20th - 26th of May and the visit from Poland and the Czech Republic: Alexandra´s diary Here you can read the evaluation among the...

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A slice of bread

Torskolan i Torsås deltar i ett EU-projekt tillsammans med en skola i Tjeckien (Základní škola i Dub nad Moravou) och en i Polen (Zespół Szkół Nr 11 i Jastrzębie...

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Easter traditions in the Czech Republic

Small boys for three days go round the village and make terrible noise with special rattling instruments. This old tradition is based on the belief that during Easter time all the bells fly away to...

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One moment in life

Some moments are more important than others. Write a text about one of thoose very special moments. YOU decide what to write about. It could be an inportant moment or event.... In your own life or...

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Hi Europe!

Read the students´ letters to Poland and the Czech Republic,  our Comenius partners!

William 9D Michael 9B Victor L 9B Fredrik 9D Dajana 9D Anton H 9D Emil S 9B Albin 9B Angelica...

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Your very first kiss

One moment that is very special to all people is when you kiss somebody for the first time. Do you think the same? What do you feel? Why do you want to kiss somebody?

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Global Warming Project

The issue of global warming is one that affects and concerns people all over the world. Växthuseffekten drabbar och berör oss alla oberoende av var i världen vi bor.

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One World Project

(-= We all smile in the same language!! =-)

Torskolan år 8 deltar i ett projekt som heter "One World Project". Eleverna har kontakt med en skola utanför Los Angeles (La Puente High School) genom Podcasting. Vi använder oss av ljudprogrammet

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The Wildcat

I am "Socks" Wildcat from Sussex Avenue School in Newark, New Jersey. I have 2 brothers-Danny and Angel and 2 sisters-Princess and Sunshine who are also the school’s mascot. We travel all over...

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Klass 7B har kontakt med ett antal skolor i Australien. Vi har tänkt att skicka frågor till dem om deras skola/undervisning och om livet överhuvudtaget "down under". Vi hoppas också att ni...

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Global Awareness Project

9B and 9D has taken part in a project called Global Awareness Project. A teacher in a school in England asked us if we wanted to participate and I answered yes. Schools from China, India, the...

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What do I think?

Project meeting in La Spézia 2005

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What do I think? - Values and opinions among teenagers in Europe is a Comenius1 project. The schools that are participating are... Istituto Comprensivo di Vezzano Ligure in Vezzano Ligure, Italy,...

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Global Awareness Project, January 2005

What do you think are the most important issues in the world today?

A. As a class, please agree and list the five local issues that most affect your lives and that you would like to change. Use of...

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More pictures day 2

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More pictures day 3

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Socks and the teachers.

Socks is here!

The wildcat Socks has arrived safely to Sweden and Torsås! He is very much welcome and we´re going to take good care of him! Be sure! :-) His first day here was a big success. The students took him...

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Aussie friends

Listen to our Australian friends´ audiofiles! Click on the title of each podcast to download it to your computer. The file should open for you in Windows Media Player or iTunes, can be uploaded to an...

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Besök från Australien

Rektor Lotta och Annie.

Torskolan har haft besök av en lärare från Australien, Annie Agnew under jullovet. Onsdagen den 3 januari valde en del elever i år 8 att avbryta ledigheten en stund och istället komma till skolan och...

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Webmaster:   Caroline Elnéus