Global Awareness Project


9B and 9D has taken part in a project called Global Awareness Project. A teacher in a school in England asked us if we wanted to participate and I answered yes. Schools from China, India, the Netherlands, USA, Cyprus, Germany, Canada and Romania have also showed interest to take part. So we will get a wide perspective from students all around the world.

It is a school in England that is responsible for the project. The name of the school is Hastingsbury Upper School and it lies in Bedford - 60 miles north of London:

A summary of the project:

1. Complete an electronic questionnaire to establish what issues that are important to students locally, national and world-wide. Come up with ideas how we can change the situation to get a better world to live in.

2.Submit articles to the e-newspaper 24:7 News.

3. The Global Learning Community is holding an e-conference on student voice issues. The conference starts in March. There will be a number of experts and articles sharing their views on student initiatives in schools.

Read more about the students´result of the project that are compiled by Caroline, Therese and Jacqueline in 9D. Click here.

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