One moment in my life

Amanda Johansson 2008-02-10

Last year my mum and me went on a holiday to Africa. We went to Tanzania and on the trip we met 4 new friends. Maritza, Andreas, Karin and Per. We went on safari for five days after that we went to the island Zanzibar. After a week in Zanzibar me, my mum, Andreas and Maritza went to Zambia. We were there for 3 days and we went to the Victoria Falls, it was amazing. Our guide showed us the big falls. The water splashed over us like rain. We went soaking wet. After the Victoria Falls we went to a big plateau and from that plateau we jumped bungyjump. I was very nervous at the beginning but when I did the jump everything went so fast so I didn’t have time to think. I think it was a very cool thing to do and I don’t regret it. This trip was the best thing I’ve done in my life. It was a memory for life.

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