What do I think?

Caroline Elnéus 2005-03-22

Project meeting in La Spézia 2005

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Project meeting in La Spézia 2005 See more pictures

What do I think? - Values and opinions among teenagers in Europe is a Comenius1 project. The schools that are participating are... Istituto Comprensivo di Vezzano Ligure in Vezzano Ligure, Italy, I.T.I.S Giovanni Capellini in La Spezia, Italy Torskolan Compulsory school in Torsås, Sweden, Escola Ferreira de Castro in Mem Martins, Portugal Scoala Generale Gheorghe Tatarascu in Targu - Jiu, Romania

The project is planned to run from year 2003 until 2006. The goal of the project, among many others is to make the students understand the similarities and differences between the four countries when it comes to:

· Equal opportunity for men and women
· Equality for different sexual orientations
· Parenthood
· Life and living in a deprived area- economically, socially and culturally

1. Goals for the project

For students:
· To see similarities and differences in opinions and values among teenagers in different parts of Europe
· To practice the ICT skills learned in school in the real world
· To practice English skills learned in school in the real world

For staff:
· To learn more about teenagers in other parts of Europe
· To apply newly learned ICT skills
· To get experience and learn more about schools and education in other parts of Europe

2. Type of activity

All the students in the four countries shall see a film “Billy Elliot” and, with this common experience, answer and discuss thirty-eight standard questions. The work will be done in small groups with different “target areas”. The teacher involved collect data from the answers. The students will also discuss some special questions with each other over the Internet. The questions will be designed collaboratively with the other countries, and the target areas are:
· Equal opportunity for men and women
· Equality for different sexual orientations
· Parenthood
· Life and living in a deprived area- economically, socially and culturally
· The value of self-esteem

3. Products of the project

· Report of the similarities and differences in values of our teenagers
· Exhibition in each school of our partner schools and their countries.
· Make a web-site for the project

4. Evaluation

· We will have “meetings” over the Internet where we “up-date” the project plan.
· We will have questionnaires to the students during the project and after.

5. Sharing the results

· The results will be published on the Internet and in a booklet
· We will invite the press to write about the project
· We will have an exhibition

6. Special arrangements

· Students with special needs will be helped both with language and ICT matters

7. The work of the participating schools

All the schools will follow the same project plan and then gather their own students´ results and have discussions with them.

8. ICT in the project

· All students involved will do writing on the computer.
· Students will also discuss certain questions over the Internet.
· With the co-operation of teachers, the results will be published on the web-site.
· (The teachers in Sweden will go a web-site course in March 2003.)
· Corresponding between the schools will be done by e-mail.

9. Students during the project

The students will form groups and have discussions about the questions in their target area. Then the work will be integrated in what we call “theme work”. Thestudents will have the opportunity to decide how and when they want to prepare and how they want to show their results.

10. Integration of the project in the everyday work

The students will do the project in a so called “theme work”. That means that the theme involves a lot of ordinary subjects like English, history, IT and social science. They will have the opportunity to plan and present their work within the target areas. They will also learn to work with the web site of the project.

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