Article for Westerlundska


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Who are the better entrepreneurs, the Swedes or the Indians? An entrepreneur is, quite literally, a person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. While all entrepreneurs aren't the same, does a different environment, culture, and background affect a particular entrepreneurial demographic? I would always say yes. All of the new things and places I saw during my stay in Enköping might have influenced me to become an Indo-Swedish entrepreneur, which is quite an advantage anywhere in the world. The cultural diversity in Sweden is completely different from the various cultural types in India, which I have lived and witnessed my entire life.

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Kulturer och affärsidéer möts på Westerlundska

Under en och en halv vecka har WGY haft besök av tio elever och två lärare från The Orchid School (TOS) i Pune, Indien. De har tillsammans med Försäljnings- och...

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At Bredsand

This is my experience on the beautiful lakeside and the beach, here in Bredsands. I spent multiple...

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A mysterious journey, not knowing how and what the students, people and town would be like but...

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Embracing New Horizons: My Swedish High School Experience 

Walking through the corridors of a Swedish high school, I felt a blend of curiosity and excitement....

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Article for Westerlundska

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Visit at Westerlundska 

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