Visit at Westerlundska 


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Coming to Sweden and attending this program has been a dream of mine ever since I first learned about it at the Orchid School. From that moment, I couldn’t stop telling my friends how excited I was, even before my participation was confirmed. Now that I’m finally here, I can confidently say that this experience has exceeded all my expectations.

The first day at Westerlundska was thrilling. Initially, I was anxious about connecting and communicating with everyone, but my worries vanished as soon as I met Kerstin and Malin. Their constant smiles and welcoming demeanor made it easy to navigate conversations and understand Swedish business practices. I will deeply miss talking to Kerstin and Malin, who have become such integral parts of this journey

Participating in the Sweden-India exchange program was a transformative experience for me. This program brought together students from diverse backgrounds, allowing us to collaborate on entrepreneurial projects that blended Swedish innovation with Indian values. We engaged in hands-on projects that enhanced our entrepreneurial skills while emphasizing the importance of teamwork and cultural exchange.

Navigating different cultural perspectives and working in a global environment was a significant part of our learning journey. We immersed ourselves in the swedish cultures through tours of local businesses, historical sites, and cultural landmarks, gaining a deeper appreciation for their heritages and business practices.

I would like to thank Kerstin, Malin, Lotta and Ellen who took out time from their busy schedule to make our trip even better by giving us a tour of uppsala, going to ikea and whatnot.

As my time in Enköping draws to a close, I bid farewell with a heart full of gratitude. I will deeply miss everyone and will cherish these memories always.

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Gästskribent Mats Alvemark från Måndagsrörelsen skriver i WGYnytt

Tidigare försvarsminister Hultqvist på WGY om kriget i Ukraina 

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Embracing New Horizons: My Swedish High School Experience 

Article for Westerlundska

Conversations and Culture

Visit at Westerlundska 

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