At Bredsand


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This is my experience on the beautiful lakeside and the beach, here in Bredsands. I spent multiple nights walking with my friends on the shore. We went swimming twice in the lake, all of us splashing and laughing.

Even after all that we still wanted more, more of the cold water, more of the screaming, more of the chilly aired walks to the 24 hour store nearby. We spent a night making a campfire and roasting sugary marshmallows till they were crisp and charred. We spent the nights giggling about jokes we heard or acting like one another. We spent the nights in deep talks and lively debates or just in silence with just the sound of nature around us. All of it is so beautiful and peaceful that I wish that these nights never end

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Gästskribent Mats Alvemark från Måndagsrörelsen skriver i WGYnytt

Tidigare försvarsminister Hultqvist på WGY om kriget i Ukraina 

Peter Hultqvist (till höger) besökte elever på Westerlundska gymnasiet för att berätta om kriget i Ukraina. Göran Bylund var en av lärarna som tog emot honom. 

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At Bredsand

This is my experience on the beautiful lakeside and the beach, here in Bredsands. I spent multiple...

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A mysterious journey, not knowing how and what the students, people and town would be like but...

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Mest lästa

Fredag 28/2
Lördag 8/3
Internationella kvinnodagen
Lördag 22/3
Earth hour
Onsdag 23/4
Söndag 25/5
Mors dag
Torsdag 5/6
Ansvarig utgivare:   Charlotta Hemlin
Webmaster:   Charlotta Hemlin
Redaktion:   Ella, Ella , Gustav , Emmy, Neo, Fanny, Nicodemus, Shona, Victor, Rebecca, Axel, Linn , Stina, Mustafa, Maja , Emil, Noah, Felicia, Paula , Klara , Pim , Malte, Malte, Isak , Linnea, Ella, Ella, Vilja, Tyra, Alice, Alice, Neo , Tilde, Evelina, Sophie, Ellen, Matilda, Matilda, Albin , Linn, Matilda, Emma, Hampus, Elise, Vera, Chris, Chris, Elton