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A mysterious journey, not knowing how and what the students, people and town would be like but still super excited, I packed my bags of enthusiasm and energy and left to explore the journey ahead of me. 

Talking about the school, the Students were very welcoming. Even though we thought that there would be a lingual and cultural barrier between us we were able to conquer it very easily. The warm welcome only showed us all the different possibilities which we could explore .The numerous fikas with of course my favourite apple juice was always fun and will always be a sweet memory in my mouth and heart. Each one of us had an amazing time with each and every student: interacting with them, knowing more about their culture and of course working out our whole entrepreneurship project with them. The project was really fun and was like a rollercoaster ride for us with a lot of ups and downs but also ended like one, fully satisfied and happy that we took on the challenge. We had to do a business plan and work out a whole new business which could work both in India and Sweden. It was a really interesting project which made me learn a lot from Kerstin, Malin, Alma , Frida and everybody else. I learnt about team work and how we can conquer anything as a team.

Now coming to the cute town of Enköping always keeping us exploring new parts of this town to know only for about the rich history it has to offer. I really enjoyed the great architecture, beautiful buildings and of course the people...the people were just great and always welcoming. Going back to the journey of learning , it will never stop. We learnt a lot from this trip. This was a really fun adventure and I would really really like to meet the students and collaborate with them again. This is Aditya Rao from Pune , India signing off with a whole lot of new memories.

Thank You

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Gästskribent Mats Alvemark från Måndagsrörelsen skriver i WGYnytt

Tidigare försvarsminister Hultqvist på WGY om kriget i Ukraina 

Peter Hultqvist (till höger) besökte elever på Westerlundska gymnasiet för att berätta om kriget i Ukraina. Göran Bylund var en av lärarna som tog emot honom. 

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A mysterious journey, not knowing how and what the students, people and town would be like but...

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Embracing New Horizons: My Swedish High School Experience 

Article for Westerlundska

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