Warning: include_once(/shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/current/www/dk/include/update_statistics.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/20240307190756-d3338b7/www/dk/include/print_newspaper.php on line 11

Warning: include_once(): Failed opening '/shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/current/www/dk/include/update_statistics.php' for inclusion (include_path='/usr/local/php56/lib/php:.') in /shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/20240307190756-d3338b7/www/dk/include/print_newspaper.php on line 11
Astrid Tora, kom från Norge för att bli döpt
Af Anders Böhlin 2005-02-06

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Totalt 1 kommentarer « Vis hele artiklen
1. Astrid, Tora kom
Af Anders 2014-03-03 22:25

9 år gammal, deltagare i SUIF-skidan 2014
Maja med lillasyster Sofia.
Maja med lillasyster Sofia.

En ny Inviksbo är född !

Familjen Björn har utökats med en ny medlem.

Onsdag den 13 aug 13.51 föddes Sofia och hon vägde 3420 gr och var 49 cm lång. Stolt storasyster heter Maja.

Læs mere her

7 år idag!!! Grattis Agnes!!


Vi som gratulerar är Mamma, pappa, Anton och Albin.
Även farmor med familj gratulerar.

Læs mere her


Vi vill gratulera våran toppen dotter som fyller 6 år den 20:de oktober, vi som gratulerar är mamma o pappa.

Læs mere her

Agnes Westin 6 år!!

Åtminstone EN GÅNG OM ÅRET

Välkommen till världen Nemo

Søg Søg hjælp

Skicka bildinsändare

Tips til redaktionen

Warning: include(/shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/current/www/dk/include/components/print_bannergroup.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/20240307190756-d3338b7/include/template.php on line 1065

Warning: include(): Failed opening '/shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/current/www/dk/include/components/print_bannergroup.php' for inclusion (include_path='/usr/local/php56/lib/php:.') in /shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/20240307190756-d3338b7/include/template.php on line 1065

« Forrige Næste »

Warning: include(/shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/current/www/dk/include/components/print_bannergroup.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/20240307190756-d3338b7/include/template.php on line 1065

Warning: include(): Failed opening '/shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/current/www/dk/include/components/print_bannergroup.php' for inclusion (include_path='/usr/local/php56/lib/php:.') in /shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/20240307190756-d3338b7/include/template.php on line 1065

Warning: include(/shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/current/www/dk/include/components/print_bannergroup.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/20240307190756-d3338b7/include/template.php on line 1065

Warning: include(): Failed opening '/shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/current/www/dk/include/components/print_bannergroup.php' for inclusion (include_path='/usr/local/php56/lib/php:.') in /shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/20240307190756-d3338b7/include/template.php on line 1065

Warning: include(/shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/current/www/dk/include/components/print_bannergroup.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/20240307190756-d3338b7/include/template.php on line 1065

Warning: include(): Failed opening '/shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/current/www/dk/include/components/print_bannergroup.php' for inclusion (include_path='/usr/local/php56/lib/php:.') in /shared/www/webnews.textalk.com/20240307190756-d3338b7/include/template.php on line 1065
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Ansvarlig udgiver:   Anders Böhlin
Webmaster:   Anders Böhlin
Redaktion:   Anders, Anki, Eileen, Hans, Ida, Olof