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Ewa Kurzak 2006-12-03

author; Maria Piedad Avello

The emotional education debate includes big questions like, why do we need to teach children about emotions in school at all, and how should such teachings be implemented.

Parents and Educational writers have consistently criticized schools for failing to out the `heart' of their pupils `in the right place', or in modern terms for failing to educate their emotions. There can be no doubt of the very great importance of affective education [Dunlop, 1984].
Most social scientists agree with Daniel Goleman that there is a need for emotional education in a formalized setting.

The preschool years are crucial ones for laying foundation skills, and there is some evidence that Head Start can have beneficial long-term emotional and social effects on the lives of its graduates even into their early adult years. Goleman, 1995].

But what exactly might such skills be? In his book, Daniel Goleman gives a considerable list. Here are some indications inspired by a list quoted by Goleman from a book called Self Science: The Subject is Me (2nd edition) by Karen Stone McCown et al. [San Mateo, Six Seconds, 1998] .

Our school has linked skills and Universal Values.
The aim is to show proposals to teach both of them.

Self awareness to get TOLERANCE
One of the basic emotional skills involves being able to recognise feelings and put a name on them. It is also important to be aware of the relationship between thoughts, feelings and actions. What thought sparked off that feeling? What feeling was behind that action?

Managing emotions in order to live in PEACE
It is important to realise what is behind feelings. Beliefs have a fundamental effect on the ability to act and on how things are done. In addition, finding ways to deal with anger, fear, anxiety and sadness is essential: learning how to soothe oneself when upset, for example. Understanding what happens when emotions get the upper hand and how to gain time to judge if what is about to be said or done in the heat of the moment is really the best thing to do. Being able to channel emotions to a positive end is a key aptitude.

Empathy in order to have SOLIDARITY, TOLERANCE and EQUALITY
Getting the measure of a situation and being able to act appropriately requires understanding the feelings of the others involved and being able to take their perspective.

Communicating in order to get TOLERANCE AND SOLIDARITY
Developing quality relationships has a very positive effect on all involved.

Co-operation in order to get SOLIDARITY
Knowing how and when to take the lead and when to follow is essential for effective co-operation. Effective leadership is not built on domination but the art of helping people work together on common goals.

Resolving conflicts in order to get PEACE
In resolving conflicts there is a need to understand the mechanisms at work. People in conflict are generally locked into a self-perpetuating emotional spiral in which the declared subject of conflict is rarely the key issue. Much of the resolution of conflicts calls on using the other emotional skills mentioned here

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Values & ICT

Spanish blog for families and teachers

Chief Editor:   Ewa Kurzak
Webmaster:   Ewa Kurzak
Collaborators:   Päivi, Sinikka, Maria
eLearning Awards 2007