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Kindergatren no 5 Glogow

Ewa Kurzak 2006-12-03

Dear colleagues!
We live in Poland in a town called Głogów. ( Walk through Glogow ) Głogów is situated on the middle Odra, in a Głogów's proglacial stream valley. There are 74 thousand people living here and it is one of the bigger cities in the Copper Basin, next to Legnica and Lubin. In a distance of 100 - 130 km there are Wrocław and Poznań agglomerations to be found and national borders with the Czech Republik and Germany. It is even closer to the big touristic regions -Lubuskie and Leszczyńskie lake districts in the north and Sudety in the south. Głogów is one of the oldest towns in Poland. Its existence it owes to the defensive positioning between the 2 rivers - Odra and Barycz.

Our kindergarten was established on 1st of March 1974 and it is found in the “Hutnik” housing estate. It is a building with a playground, situated in a quite place far from the busy streets, surrounded by many trees and bushes.
During 32 years of our activity each year we are preparing 50 to 83 six-year-olds for school.
In the present moment there are 24 people working, including 10 teachers. The number of members of stuff depends on the number of sections – number of children. Teachers work with children 25 hours a week. There are two teachers and a member of operating personnel taking care of each kindergarten section (25 children) if it is working over 5 hours. There is an additional help from the teacher in the youngest group of three-year-olds.
Meals are prepared in the kindergarten (breakfast at 8.15am, first course of the dinner at 11.15, second course of the dinner at 14.15). Three cooks cook for 125 children.
Each teacher is a university graduate with a diploma. They also take part in many specialty courses to improve on their methodical skills.
In the last 5 years we have taken part in courses that included the following range of methods of work:
=> „Mathematical education according to the program written by
prof. Edyta Gruszczyk - Kolczyńska”
=> „Training in musical and motorial creativity”
=> „Training in proecology education”
=> „Training in pedagogical therapy”,
=> „Course in pedagogic of play - Gestalt”
=> „Trening in solving educational problems”
=> „The diagnosis of a left-handed child”
=> „Therapeutic stories and drama” and many others.
=> „Regional dances”
=> Training activities- regional education: „Głogów returned to its region”
=> Education Kinesiology - Paul Dennison.
=> "Tools of ICT"

The kindergarten is open from 6.00 till 17.00, 5 days a week. According to the demand of the social enviroment and the organizational project for the year 2006 - 2007 the following sections were created:

I – 3 -year- olds,
II – 4-year-olds,
III – 5- year-olds,
IV – 6 –year-olds,
V – 6 – year-olds, who stay in the kindergarten for 5 hours from 7.00 till 12.00 o’clock
VI – 6 – year-olds, who stay in the kindergarten for 5 hours from 12.00 till 17.00 o’clock

We provide:
=> Care during the time parents are at work, in a friendly atmosphere with a regard for the child’s dignity
=> Assisting child’s development and treating the child subjectively
=> Pedagogical and psychological assistance exclusively on parental demand
=> Preparation for the beginning of education in form 1 according to the child’s abilities
=> Taking part in the additional activities according to the choice of the parents

The kindergarten provides psychological and pedagogical help in a form of specialist activities for both children and parents (additional exercise):
a) Correctional and compensative activities for children with posture faults,
b) Logopedical, activities in a therapeutical form, adapted according to the fault in development that is causing difficulty in verbal communication. The activities are conducted by teachers with a diploma in logopedical training ,
c) rehabilitation for children with motorial impairment,
Apart from that children take part in rhythmical activities, during which they develop their sensitivity and musical ability to an accompaniment of a piano, children learn English during play, they learn the basics of dancing and take part in art activities.

In the kindergarten we organize celebrations which parents can take part in
• Farwell to the summer – celebration during which children are acknowledged as kindergartners
• Andrew’s nameday – telling fortune
• St. Michael’s day
• Nativity play
• Grandmother and grandfather celebrations
• Carnival party
• Green Grove- greeting spring
• The family week
• Farwell to kingergarten.

Children take part in town’s cultural life, within the framework limits of cooperation with the environment: they go to see exhibitions at the Archeology and History Museum, to the local cultural center’s gallery, they perform on the main stage during the children’s creative presentations “Small Art.”

The kindergarten takes part in campaigns for the most needy for example Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy (Humane Action ), performances for children from the School of Life, Nursery, and House for the elderly.
=> Art competitions organized by local cultural centre, Archeology and History Museum, Garrison Club...
=> Concerts organized by the Music Academy
=> Celebrations of the „Earth’s Day”
=> The „Less pollution in Głogów” action
=> Sports olympics for all the kindergartens in Głogów
=> We exchange experiences with the teachers of forms I-III in primary school number 14 and number 7
=> We visit parent’s work places for example Fire Brigade, Police, Library ...
=> We organize integration meetings for children from our and other kindergartens, we take advantage of the invitations from other kindergartens to take part in activities and play.

We are very interested in how the work in your kindergarten looks like.

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Spanish blog for families and teachers

Chief Editor:   Ewa Kurzak
Webmaster:   Ewa Kurzak
Collaborators:   Päivi, Sinikka, Maria
eLearning Awards 2007