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eLearning Awards 2007

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Project summary

Ewa Kurzak 2006-12-03

This is a school development project, titled “Joined by values and ICT”. It is targeted to pupils of preprimary and primary.
The main goal of this project is to exchange information, then improve common materials and teaching methods about Health, Environment, Traffic Safety, Universal Values, Emotional Education and Heritage- Traditions-Celebrations.

These topics are not included in a concrete area, but they are in most of the lessons, school activities and in the general projects of all schools or at least they should be.
Besides these subjects are taught and learnt through practicing more than theory, which means it deals with procedures and objectives more than contents.

In the first year, we aim to learn and compare the present activities, teaching materials and methods of the participant schools and in the second year, it is decided to add the teaching materials and methods carried out successfully in the other participant schools to the curriculum of every participant school, and improve the quality of teaching process.
The progress of the project can be observed by the web site which is a part of the collaborative teacher platform.

Active participation of pupils...

The aim of the projects is to enable children to participate in different activities with topics relationship across the cultures. This will include them in planning the design, realization and dissemination of the common activities.

Use of ICT...

ICT will be used extensively throughout the project with e-mail, video conferencing, web pages
ICT will be used during the project year to :

--> to communicate
--> to prepare the materials and present the work
--> to prepare the end products

For communication:
The staff will use video-conference to discuss the about the project. The students will write emails once a week for information exchange about their research results.

For End product:
We intend to prepare a CD-Rom a CD-Rom and a website that introduces our study. In order to prepare these end products students and teachers will use videos, scanners, internet, website builders, and some pc-programs.

For preparing the teaching materials and presenting the work.
In order to prepare teaching materials, the teachers should use some picture programs, emails, prepare videos, and different types of presentation. We will use a collaborative platform.

End product(s) that will be produced...

• All the teaching practices and materials collected by teachers of each topic
• All the materials of the campaigns elaborated by children.
• Videos or presentations in order to show their schools and their celebrations. Using all means, videos, photos, presentations, software, posters, webpages.
• A survey about each topic to define it and with conclusions.
• A presentation for each topic summarizing the teaching practices of all the schools
• A final CD and webpage with the whole documents.
• Evaluation of the project.

Evaluation of progress and its impact on participants, schools and local community...

• A questionaire will be applied to all teachers of the participant schools in order to know how much the students improved themselves.
• Surveys will be cross-examined by all partner schools
• Continuous communication about progress amongst schools will be encouraged via ICT.
• Regular updates on the project's progress will be disseminated throughout the school and wider community.
• A final evaluation of the process, the short-term impact and the anticipated longer-term outcomes will be produced at the end of the 3 years and disseminated widely.

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Values & ICT

Spanish blog for families and teachers

Chief Editor:   Ewa Kurzak
Webmaster:   Ewa Kurzak
Collaborators:   Päivi, Sinikka, Maria
eLearning Awards 2007