Enough is enough.

MyChargeBack promises, then humiliation

Anders Böhlin 2021-04-24

If one have attracted of promised bitcoininvestment, there's American experts  leader in funds recovery services and with lawyers working to help the deceived people. But after being offered over the phone just over 2800 EUR with 10000 kronor for this service and then received contradictory messages from different people, who seem to be like playing children, one begins to wonder if there are any serious people to contact on MyChargeBack as in many months have to wait for their support, it is suspected that they distribute our addresses to others "helping" people who offer "help" and always asks that "tax" be paid before You get your money back. 

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Enough is enough.

MyChargeBack promises, then humiliation

If one have attracted of promised bitcoininvestment, there's American experts  leader in funds recovery services and with lawyers working to help the deceived people. But after...

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Ansvarig utgivare:   Anders Böhlin
Webmaster:   Anders Böhlin
Redaktion:   Anders, Anki, Eileen, Hans, Ida, Olof