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e-Learning Awards

M_K_I 2004-06-12

e-Learning Awards
e-Learning Awards

The eLearning Awards aim at identifying and awarding excellent practice in using ICT for learning. The eLearning Awards correspond to the main focuses of European and national efforts in education. They highlight common European cultural values by investing in human capacities and teachers' professionalism. The eLearning Awards support teaching and learning at European schools by awarding excellent resources, effective services, working ideas and imaginative solutions.

The eLearning Awards target schools at different levels, teacher training centers, and also cater to the needs of different types of learners.

Submissions to the eLearning Awards are made through the project website

Projects are evaluated by educational experts from all over Europe. Among the key areas evaluated are: production, networking, learning community, content, didactics, pedagogical innovation and transferability.

In 2003 year around 760 projects from schools in 30 different countries were submitted. Representatives from the 20 winning projects attended a ceremony in Stockholm, where a total of €38,000 was awarded in the presence of education experts from around the world.

M_K_I and eLearning Awards

Twice M_K_I projects passed into the 100 the best in Europe.

First project in 2002 year - http://e-szkola.net

and second time in 2003 year - http://netopen.republika.pl/
Website about experiments of physics, maden with University of Technology in Wroclaw.

This year, 2004 we submitted our portal http://ekola.net maden with support of Internext company.


"Ekola.net portal is a very new project of MKI - Interschool Society of Internauts. Was set up on October 2003 for international projects like 'Netdays Europe' or iEARN.

This portal became a national website for Spring Day in Europe initiative and temporary for Netd@ys Europe/Poland.

The example of used ICT while preparing projects could be the morph transformation maden from our original pictures we took in Greece last holidays

The main subject for this year was an European Union and the Enlargement. Poland became a member of EU so we prepared especially section 'Info about Poland' with movie and multimedial presentation

The project 'Mr Stork Proudly presents'
is an original view of Polish culture and traditions. Students are preparing pictures (all self-maden) and articles in English.

We are working also on subjects 'Science'. The great resources are the movies of chemistry show during the Science Festival
http://ekola.net/index.php?module=subjects&func=viewpage&pageid=22 "

Special thanks to Mr Jorgen Hauge (Spain).

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