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..PUBLIC ART project by iEARN/Europe

M_K_I 2007-01-04

M_K_I take part in Public Art Project by iEARN/Europe http://lapeixera.org/fotos/thumbnails.php?album=lastupby&;uid=43 Project Public Art, collecting pictures of public artworks -paintings, sculptures, carvings, tiles, always visible from the street...


Public Art Project Goals
"Constructing a photographic gallery with images brought by the participant groups, which show some artistic element that is found in a public space, in the open air, from their town.
" Fostering the knowledge (authorship, history, meaning, etc) of the public art works.
" Promoting the respect to the public spaces.
" Impulsing the relationship among pupils from different countries.

Addressed to
Students of 10 to 18 years.

In groups, that can coincide with a class or not. There is also the possibility to participate from educational areas out of the school environment (families, recreation groups, etc).

Inscription deadline: 22nd December 2006.
Participation: from 8th January to 30th March 2007.

Participation is based in three activities:

*The first activity is an introduction of the group (photo and short text), that will be kept in a specific album. Only the project participants will have access to it.

**In the second activity each group should decide which public art element/s -from its town or village- will be shown. Next, the group has to take a photograph and write a short description of the work (title, author, materials, sizes, colours, location, etc.).

***The third activity is a game. A photo of a piece will be displayed and some clues must be given to guess the title or the author. The other participants have to identify it (after a simple Internet research). Works can be in the town/village of the group or nearby.

First and second activities should be written in English in addition to other language (if group speaks other than English).
Contributions to the third activity should be made exclusively in English.

" All pictures had to be taken by the participants.
" According the typology of pieces of art, we will focus on those that are placed in public spaces, in the open air. We think especially of sculptures or sculptural groups, murals, urban furniture, fountains or relevant details of buildings walls, but neither in whole buildings nor other constructions like bridges, towers or walls.
" Groups can bring as many contributions to the project as they want.

Further information
Contact with iearn@pangea.org


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