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Crossing Poland-USA - project

M_K_I 2006-02-12

Welcome to very new Polish-USA project! http://www.glogow.pl/iearn - Learn about our Polish-USA common heros, - Compare the United State' 1787 constitution with Poland's May Constitution of 1791 - Interview Polish immigants to America and we will prepare interviews with Americans living in Poland - Explore cultural crossings like plays, movies etc. - Exchange ideas about American cultural and commercial influence - Compare how Polish and American students are affected by environmental issues - Record and exchange information about local weather, climate, etc. 

Welcome to very new Polish-USA project!

Project is connected with program 'Spring Day in Europe 2006'

- Learn about our Polish-USA common heros, like Thaddeus Kosciuszko, Casimir Pulaski, etc. Your school will try to find local information -- for example, documents at museums or libraries, or photographs of statues or monuments (such as in Washington, DC), and we will look for this in Poland (for example, in Krakow etc.).

- Compare the United State' 1787 constitution, the first modern constitution in the world, with Poland's May Constitution of 1791, the first in Europe.

- Interview Polish immigants to America and we will prepare interviews with Americans living in Poland -- how they assimilate, what they like in Poland and so on.

- Explore cultural crossings like plays, movies etc. We have Oscar awarded Polish artists like Polanski, other respected filmmakers such as Andrei Wajda and lately Kaczmarek. We have Czeslaw Milosz (Nobel prize winner) who lived in the USA, etc. etc.

- Exchange ideas about American cultural and commercial influence -- e.g., Coca Cola, and KFC and other American style restaurants. Do these represent the true America?

- Compare how Polish and American students are affected by environmental issues -- air pollution, water pollution, etc.

- Record and exchange information about local weather, climate, etc.

FORM for sending articles with pictures http://webnews.textalk.com/en/letter_add.php?np=1510
contact: mki@m-szkola.net

PHOTO-ALBUM http://www.glogow.pl/iearn_gallery/index.php?cat=23

Project is connected with program 'Spring Day in Europe 2006'

- Learn about our Polish-USA common heros, like Thaddeus Kosciuszko, Casimir Pulaski, etc. Your school will try to find local information -- for example, documents at museums or libraries, or photographs of statues or monuments (such as in Washington, DC), and we will look for this in Poland (for example, in Krakow etc.).

- Compare the United State' 1787 constitution, the first modern constitution in the world, with Poland's May Constitution of 1791, the first in Europe.

- Interview Polish immigants to America and we will prepare interviews with Americans living in Poland -- how they assimilate, what they like in Poland and so on.

- Explore cultural crossings like plays, movies etc. We have Oscar awarded Polish artists like Polanski, other respected filmmakers such as Andrei Wajda and lately Kaczmarek. We have Czeslaw Milosz (Nobel prize winner) who lived in the USA, etc. etc.

- Exchange ideas about American cultural and commercial influence -- e.g., Coca Cola, and KFC and other American style restaurants. Do these represent the true America?

- Compare how Polish and American students are affected by environmental issues -- air pollution, water pollution, etc.

- Record and exchange information about local weather, climate, etc.

FORM for sending articles with pictures http://webnews.textalk.com/en/letter_add.php?np=1510
contact: mki@m-szkola.net

PHOTO-ALBUM http://www.glogow.pl/iearn_gallery/index.php?cat=23

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