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Project 2006: "Earth - the people's planet"

M_K_I 2005-11-25

Within the project 2006 with the title 'Earth - the planet of people' http://eu.m-szkola.net/sd2006  we welcome you to the European competition ! "Earth - the people 's planet" Competition /organization: Poland-England/ Submissions must be created by single young artists between 12 and 20 years of age and only one entry per person is allowed in each of the two categories. Category 1/ ARTWORK: 'Man's Freedom and Dignity' Category 2/ PHOTO - document: 'European Solidarity in Action'

To enter the competition you must complete the entry form and agree to the rules and regulations of the contest as found on the following site (available soon) http://eu.m-szkola.net/sd2006

Grand Prize and Runner-Up Awards will be given in each category of the competition. Winners will be notified by email of their prize.

Deadline: Wednesday, March 1, 2006


1. The Competition is open to all persons between 12-20 years old.
2. Participants can submit one work per category. Further entries will be disqualified.
3. The judges reserve the right to re-categorize any entry.
4. Entries cannot have been awarded in previous competitions. Only works completed after January 1, 2005 will be accepted.
5. Deadline: all entries must be received by March 1, 2006.
6. All projects submitted for the Competition will become the property of the Competition Organizer.
7. An international Jury will choose the 30 best works in each category, and these will be published on the Competition website with the names of the artist and teacher. Awards will be given to the 3 best works in each category. Please keep your original works.
8. The jury's decision will be final and no correspondence may be entered into. The jury will not be aware of the participant's names during its deliberations so as to ensure objectivity and impartiality.
9. Your participation in the Competition will be regarded as your acceptance of the terms and conditions of 'Earth - the planet of people' competition Rules.

Rules - Artwork
Rules - Photos

Category 1 -- ARTWORK: "Man's Freedom and Dignity"
Article 1 ‘Human Rights Declaration’:
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood"

Dignity: the quality of being worthy of esteem or respect: "it was beneath his dignity to cheat"; "showed his true dignity when under pressure" [syn: self-respect, self-esteem, self-regard]

Express your thoughts in artistic vision on the theme 'Human Rigths' in the world: computer graphic, collage with self-made photos, poster etc.


10. Each Competition participant will be allowed to send one entry, which must be an original work of art created with the use of any graphic technique (including computer graphics). Photos used for a collage must be original and taken by the participant as well.
11. The submitted image should be in JPG or static GIF format with any resolution but the maximum size is 200 kB.

Category 2 -- PHOTO: 'European Solidarity in Action'
European solidarity with the victims of humanitarian crises/recipients of humanitarian aid.

We seek original photos showing 'European Solidarity in action,' i.e., examples of the European Union's realization of the following goals:

- to save lives in emergency and post-emergency situations caused by natural disasters and human conflicts;
- to provide aid impartially to those suffering from the effects of 'chronic' crises triggered by civil war, without regard for ethnic origin, religious faith or political beliefs;
- to provide aid to refugees (people forced to seek asylum outside their home countries) and displaced persons (people forced to leave their own city or village within the same country) until such time as they are able to return home.
- to carry out rapid rehabilitations and reconstruction work, so as to create conditions in which victims can free themselves [or in which victims can re-establish a normal life].

It could be photos of solidarity institutions and people who are working there and of numerous actions: collecting money for solidarity purpose, document on refugees life, volunteers work etc.


10. Each Competition participant will be allowed to send one photo, which must have been taken by the participant. Image labeling: the entrant's name and address, together with the title and description of photograph, and the date it was taken, must be written in the online form.
11. Digital photographs must be supplied as jpeg or gif formats with any resolution but the maximum size is 200 kB.

Any question? Contact mki@m-szkola.net

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