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eTwinning prizes

M_K_I 2005-07-02

Join the competition for the eTwinning prizes and get rewarded for your European collaborative work! http://www.etwinning.net/ww/en/pub/etwinning/news/articles/etwinning_prizes.htm Deadline for submissions: 10 November 2005. Categories 1 and 2: URLs, documents, presentations and other files. Category 3: A digital resource submitted to the eTwinning learning repository.

To give Europe-wide recognition to the best, the Central Support Service is very happy to organise the first eTwinning competition. Here is some general information to help you and your partner start preparing:

Three categories:

School collaboration integrated to the curriculum
Pedagogical innovation
Digital resources

Two age groups:

5 to 12 year-old pupils.
13 to 19 year-old pupils.

To join the competition, partnerships must be registered to the eTwinning action.

Time line:

Deadline for submissions: 10 November 2005.

Evaluation period: 10 November 2005 to 15 December 2005.

Prize giving ceremony and projects exhibition: European eTwinning conference in Linz, Austria, from 13 to 15 January 2006

Submission of entries:

One partner submits the entry for the partnership.
Schools can apply for more than one category.
Entries are submitted via the desktop at the European eTwinning portal.

What is an entry?

A title,
A summary in one of the 20 official EU languages plus Norwegian (an additional description in a commonly spoken language is well accepted).

Categories 1 and 2:
URLs, documents, presentations and other files

Category 3:
A digital resource submitted to the eTwinning learning repository.


The criteria will be available in September.
The first evaluation will be made by members of the National Support Services.
The final selection of the winners will be made at European level by a group of experts in ICT, education and school collaboration.


For each category and age group, there will be one main winning team and one runner up team.


The winning teams will be given the opportunity to meet in an attractive place in Europe.

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