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European Education Conference 2003

M_K_I 2004-08-11

M_K_I was invited for two-day Conference "European Education in Lower Silesia", which took place at beautiful castle in Kargowa (near Wrocław). This conference opened on 21-st March by the Governor of Lower Silesia - with participation of such persons of rank as Ambassador of Representation of European Integration Commission and university professors.. Photo-reportage (with music) http://m-szkola.net/konferencja/index.htm

M_K_I was invited for two-day Conference "European Education in Lower Silesia", which took place at beautiful castle in Kargowa (near Wrocław). This conference opened on 21-st March by the Governor of Lower Silesia - with participation of such persons of rank as Ambassador of Representation of European Integration Commission and university professors - was a debate on a shape of European education in a context of our affiliation to the European Union. Popularization of European ideas, a program of setting up European Information Points* at school computer classrooms (the program under the auspices of Interkl@sa), the all-Polish action "My school in European Union" ** are the leading subjects of the Conference in the section "European education at school". Several students and teachers invited to this Conference presented their opinions about those two mentioned all-Polish programs and their expectations for the future.

It was very interesting to compare our experiences with experiences of other countries - representatives of Lower Saxony and Alsace presented their activity in the scope of the European education and popularization of the European ideas.

During this meeting, on the first day our Local Parliament of Children and Teenagers prepared an artistic program named "European Evening", in which cultures of different countries were presented, music, regional costumes, special meals etc.

MKI was both the reporter of this event and presenter of European school activity (MyEurope, Netd@ys, Europe at School).

Photo-reportage (with music) http://m-szkola.net/konferencja/index.htm

At selected shools and other points of public utilities (e.g. at libraries) in close cooperation with local self-governments European Information Points are set up, in which competent (suitably trained) teachers / librarians will provide information on subjects connected with EU and with the future membership of Poland in the same. In the scope of suitable training in the Foundation of Economic Education they will learn to complement and bring up to date their knowledge about the European Union by means of Internet and how to render that knowledge both to pupils in the educational process and to interested persons from communes ( farmers, companies' owners etc.) after shool job.
The project is performed by the Foundation of Economic Education in cooperation with the Friedriech Ebert Foundation, Delegacy of European Commission, European Integration Committee Office and Ministry of National Education. In the period from June 2000 to July 2002 the Foundation of Economic Education in close cooperation with local self-governments of commune and district levels has set up totally 373 Local Points of European Information.

more: http://www.europa.edu.pl/topics/lpie/2002/02/18/139248.html

The educational program of the European Integration Committee Office for grammar-school and after-grammar schools.
The essence of the program "My school in European Union" is to carry out informational and educational actions on the European integration process, on conditions of membership of Poland in EU and funcioning of European Union among the young people of 13-19 years old. In the program, apart from European Integration Committee Office and Ministry of Education and Sport, the Foundation of Education System Development and Citizen Education Centre participate.
The informational actions at schools which applied their participation in the program, are commenced in January 2003 and they concern four subjects:
- history of the European integration and functioning of European Union (January 2003);
- education and work in the European Union (February 2003);
- Common Market and Euro (March 2003);
- perpectives of Polish membership in the European Union (April 2003)

more: http://www.mojaszkola.org.pl

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