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DiaNE and trip to Genova

Halina Bednarz 2004-06-12

Winners of competition:
Michał Majdański, Matteo Alesina
Winners of competition: Michał Majdański, Matteo Alesina

An official closing of Italy-Poland DiaNE project - Dialogue with the New Europe – took place on June 4 in Genova. That project organized by Genoese Centro In Europa in cooperation with Polish Interklasa was a great lesson of Europe for young European citizens and allows them to get knowledge and to discuss with the greatest authorities: Anna Colombo and Gianluca Brunetti (officials of the European Parliament), Andrea Pierucci and Paolo Stancanelli (officials of the European Commission), Bronislaw Geremek (Minister of Foreign Affairs ). As the award for competition was a wonderful trip to Genova. Winners of competition: Michał Majdański II D, I LO im. B. Prusa (Siedlce)/Poland Matteo Alesina IV C, Liceum im. Newtona, (Chivasso)/Italy

At this historical moment for the European Union: the Convention elaborated a draft of the European Constitution, in which the Intergovernmental Conference has to be pronounced and the Enlargement by ten new member states, the Genoese Centro In Europa, with the partnership of the Ministry of Education and Sport of the Polish Republic and of the City of Genova, and with the sponsorship of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Education and Culture, launched in January the project "Dialogue with New Europe" - DiaNE.

DiaNE was meant for Italian and Polish secondary school students and teachers to push them to discuss about the ‘new Europe’. It was meant to make its ‘voice heard’ thanks to open Forum and competition of best articles with ideas about future of Europe written by young students – Italian and Polish. The great European authorities like Anna Colombo, Paolo Stancanelli, Andrea Pierucci, Gianluca Brunetti (Italy) and Bronislaw Geremek (Poland), were involved in this project ready to answer any question and to explain any problems presented by young people. Two teachers – Alberto Tognoni from Italy and Halina Bednarz from Poland took part to animate the discussion.

It was a great lesson about Europe and lesson of European citizenship. The competition accompanying the project proved, how the young generation is interested in the shape of future Europe, how great is their knowledge about European institutions and how mature are their ideas..

The competition papers ("Do you think the EU needs a Constitution, and why?") – published on the DiaNE website
- were awarded with excursion to Genova in the days 3-6th June, the city which was chosen as the European Capital of Culture for 2004 http://www.genova-2004.it At the official closing of the project and granting the awards in Genova on June 4th there were present:
Pier Virgilio Dastoli – director of the Delegation of the European Commission in Rome,
Gianluca Saba – director of the Office for European and International policies of the City of Genova,
Carlotta Gualco – director of the Centro In Europa;
as well as the two winners, Michał Majdański (from Poland) and Matteo Alesina (from Italy). A special message sent to the winners by the ambassador of Poland in Rome Mr. Michał Radlicki has been read to the participants.

Halina Bednarz, M_K_I (Poland);
Andrea Gaggero, Centro In Europa (Genova).

from the left: Gianluca Saba – director of the Office for European and International policies of the City of Genova, Carlotta Gualco – director of the Centro In Europa; Pier Virgilio Dastoli – director of the Delegation of the European Commission in Rome.

class IV A, Institute 'Montale', Genova

Look at the pictures from Genova, 'The European Capital of Culture 2004'

All pictures made by M_K_I..

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