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International School Library Day

M_K_I 2004-06-24


Fourth Monday in October each year. International School Library Day was proclaimed by the IASL President in 1999. The first International School Library Day was celebrated on 18 October 1999, with the theme, "A Day in the Life...". The aim of this special day is to draw attention to the importance of school libraries in the education of children. Research has shown that students achieve more in their school work when they have access to a school library with a good collection and strong educational programs. In addition, students become better readers when the have access to a school library and books to read. http://www.iasl-slo.org/isld.html

M_K_I and ISLD


October 27th 2003 was International School Library Day. In common with many other schools around the world, M_K_I (at Ekola school) celebrated this day with some special activities for teachers and students.

That year, the theme for International School Library Day was "Breaking Down Barriers". This highlights the importance of school libraries in overcoming the barriers that prevent students from achieving their full potential. School libraries promote information skills and lifelong learning. Among these skills are reading and literacy skills as well as skills of finding and working with information. School libraries matter!

Library Day on ekola.net
Together with Gimnazjum nr 27 and WCDN -- the Teachers Training Center in Wroclaw -- M_K_I organized iEARN workshops at our school EKOLA on October 24-25. This course was conducted by the Polish iEARN coordinators M. Sawicki and A. Litwin, who came to us from Warsaw and Gdynia.
The iEARN projects focus on international cooperations among schools -- students and teachers -- what help to breake down all barriers.

Our school exibition with photos on theme "Culture and traditions" are presenting Greek culture and some folklore festivals which took place in our city. All pictures was taken by teachers and pupils of school EKOLA.
Our library teacher Mrs E. Sciepuro was conducted local conference for librarians on October 15 at our school.
During this days we are collecting books which are granted for school library by parents. Mr E. Sciepuro announced a competition for pupils about logo to mark each one book which is given to library as a prezent.

Some of the international activities for this day appeared on the World Wide Web site of IASL, called "School Libraries Online" (www.iasl-slo.org). Like other schools around the world, the Ekola sent a report of the local International School Library Day activity to the IASL Web site, where it is available for other schools to read.

ISLD and M_K_I / 2002

(with movie)
message: http://www.iasl-slo.org/isld2002g.html

"We started our International School Library Day activities on October 24, when we officially opened our school multimedia library: a workshop with 15 computers and Internet access. [...]
M_K_I mentioned this event in a newsletter and prepared live transmission on the Internet via a webcam on the day itself. Immediately after the ceremony, the pictures were put on the website.
We invited librarians from other schools to our ceremony, because our Center will be open to all. M_K_I (students) prepared an ICT workshop about the technology of publications on the Internet. We showed our latest achievements - multimedia presentations and movies about the 'Festival of Science' (lectures and experiments at universities in Wroclaw) showcased on our website. Now we are preparing a website for this library network Center.."

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