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iEARN conference in Kosice / Slovakia - report

M_K_I 2004-07-18

iEARN conference 2004
iEARN conference 2004

11 annual iEARN conference place: Kosice/Slovakia date: July 11-17. http://www.iearn2004.net M_K_I REPORT We took part in fashion show with our nobilities costumes and small performance (with music), we prepared workshop about ICT and competition about Poland as well.

Welcome to read the screenplay of our performance (with music!):

Our 'gift/symbol' from Poland was LAJKONIK


The winner of our competition about Poland is Mr. Mike Griffith
/ project manager of www.global-leap.com /,
on the picture with Mr Marek Grzegorz Sawicki, Polish iEARN coordinator and award - Lajkonik.

During our workshop we realized life streaming onto the internet http://www.prezentacja.republika.pl/webcam.htm

Video-conference during our workshop

Some other pictures..

Official opening ceremony

Fashion Show Day..

click here to enlarge picture

click here to enlarge picture

click here to enlarge picture

click here to enlarge picture

'My Hero' project.. www.myhero.com

click here to enlarge picture

click here to enlarge picture

"Gift from my country" exibition.

More pictures of exibition ->

More pictures of ART, FRIENDSHIPS, Opening and closing ceremonies.. ->

In conference took part 397 participants (284 Adults / 113 Youth), from 63 countries in the following delegations...

all pictures made by M_K_I..

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2. Good work Anonim 2004-07-26
1. Welcome to write a comment here :) MKI 2004-07-19

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