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Wednesday 1 September 2004  

Deadline for e-Learning Awards competition

Deadline for submission projects for e-Learning Awards competition.


The eLearning Awards aim at identifying and awarding excellent practice in using ICT for learning.

The eLearning Awards correspond to the main focuses of European and national efforts in education.
They highlight common European cultural values by investing in human capacities and teachers' professionalism.

The eLearning Awards support teaching and learning at European schools by awarding excellent resources, effective services, working ideas and imaginative solutions.

Winners of the following awards will be invited to attend the prize ceremony to be held in Prague in November 2004.

The top level category of the eLearning Awards is:

The Young Digital Poland Award for Innovative use of ICT in education

1st Prize: € 5 000
2nd Prize: € 3 000
3rd Prize: € 2 000

The Special Award categories are:

The Microsoft Award for Best Learning Object
Prize: € 4 000

The Intel Award for Mathematics and Science
Prize: € 4 000

The ECDL Award for use of ICT by a Municipal or Regional Education Institution
Prize: € 3 500

The Blackboard Award for School Collaboration
Prize: € 3 000

The Nisai Education Award for Culture
Prize: € 3 000

The Oracle Award for Global Reach through the use of ICT
Prize: € 3 000

Additionally, the following prizes will be awarded directly to schools.

The Auralog Award for Languages
Prize: ‘Tell Me More Education’ software, retail value € 10 000 ..
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M_K_I - Virtual Office
Chief Editor:   Halina Bednarz
Webmaster:   Halina Bednarz
Collaborators:   M_K_I