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Welcome to the eLearning Awards 2005!

M_K_I 2005-06-18

http://elearningawards.eun.org The deadline for submissions is 17 October 2005. Submissions to the eLearning Awards are made through the website. Awards are given to ongoing or recently finalised educational projects and activities. The idea is not to do something for the eLearning Awards but to submit what you do to the awards.

European Schoolnet, together with principal partner Young Digital Poland, invites teachers and schools to submit their ICT projects to the eLearning Awards.

The eLearning Awards target schools at different levels, teacher training centres, and also cater to the needs of different types of learners.

Projects will be evaluated by educational experts from all over Europe. Among the key areas evaluated are: production, networking, learning community, content, didactics, pedagogical innovation and transferability.

Over the past four years of the eLearning Awards, thousands of entries have been submitted by teachers and schools in over 40 European countries.

This year's awards ceremony in Paris follows those from past years, held in Lisbon, Stockholm, Geneva and Prague. A total of over € 150 000 in prize money has been awarded to winning projects.


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