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Your project has been approved..

M_K_I 2004-09-20

The Netd@ys Team is very pleased to be able to let you know that your application has been successful and that your project has been awarded a Netd@ys label, a copy of which is attached... http://www.netdayseurope.org

Netd@ys Europe 2004

Thank you for your recent application to participate as a "labelled" project in the European Commission's Netd@ys Europe 2004 initiative.

The Netd@ys Team is very pleased to be able to let you know that your application has been successful and that your project has been awarded a Netd@ys label, a copy of which is attached. The logo is a well known brand name and it can be used when promoting your project for this year, but it should not be used for any other purpose. When the logo is used, it would be helpful if you would indicate that Netd@ys is an initiative of the European Commission.

Your project will also be included on the Netd@ys 2004 website which received over 3m hits last year. This should increase the visibility of your project and help to promote it in educational, cultural and other organisations in Europe and beyond.

The Netd@ys Team would like to take this opportunity to thank you for taking an interest in Netd@ys and it is very pleased to be able to collaborate with you in the successful promotion of your project.

Please do not hesitate to contact the Netd@ys Team if you require any further information.

Best wishes.

The Netd@ys Team
European Commission

The awarded M_K_I projects

project 1: Mr Stork Proudly Presents

-> "Mr Stork Proudly Presents"

Project description:

"Summary :
The project Mr Stork Proudly Presents it is an original, and mostly picture view on Polish culture and traditions.

We have started on November 11, 2003 - Independence Day and we will finish generally on November 11, 2004..
We publish only original, self-maden pictures and articles about our anniversaries, more important events which take place in Poland this year.
For example, Mr Stork, (our Polish symbol) describing performance taken place in July 2004 during international iEARN conference, when Polish representatives in nobility costumes comes from XVII century showed aristocratic traditions, still living here we must say.
Mr Stork visited the oldest restaurant in Europe and ordered Polish food, was in museum of orders and described our national symbols, was at the unique Panorama Raclawicka (painting) etc.
He take part in some cultural or religion events, like International Festival of Street Theatre or celebrated here in great pomp Corpus Christi (Boże Ciało) (the day on which the Catholic Church commemorates the institution of the Holy Eucharist).
Each time we try to take as many pictures as possible aim to show present days in Poland. "

project 2: Wrocław non-stop

-> "Wrocław non-stop"

Project description:

Wroclaw non-stop it is a 3 days (and nights) of happenings during Wroclaw (in Poland) annual holidays, which took place in June 2004.
Website http://genuaa.republika.pl/nonstop.htm it is a picture view on the main (in students opinion) events.
Among them there are "International Festival of Street Theatre" and "Medieval Skansen", which was built especially for this occasion. While official opening of this medieval skansen there were present teams from Poland, Czech Republik, Hungary and from other countries. In unique presentation we can learn about medieval life in Wroclaw, including original clothes which were prepared in the shape of such existing in museums.
The other subject "Lunch with TV" showing preparation process of TV programme in the center of the town with some important personalities.
We could meet everywhere president of our town..

Pictures and movies will be presented during Open-Doors at school Ekola in Wroclaw on November 22-27."

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