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M_K_I 2004-06-23

you are here -> "Virtual Office" http://mki.m-szkola.net Streets of Wroclaw http://fobuss.republika.pl/awroclawstreet/big/ulice.shtml Non stop in Wroclaw http://genuaa.republika.pl/nonstop.htm  Festival of Science http://fobuss.republika.pl/festiwal.htm Let's make experiments http://netopen.republika.pl/ Flowers for Europe http://info.m-szkola.net/eu/index.html Astronomy (flash website) http://m-szkola.net/spaceman.htm   Our website in Polish http://m-szkola.net iEARN in Poland [ http://webnews.textalk.com/en/view.phtml?id=1510 ] School Theatre http://theatre.m-szkola.net Spring Day in Europe 2005 - Poland http://spring.m-szkola.net Symbol for Democracy - competition http://eu.m-szkola.net


..we got certificate from Netd@ys for "V Festival of Science"
project - http://fobuss.republika.pl/festiwal.htm
-> "Festival of Science"
'..daily report about great event in Wroclaw - "V Festival of Science". We had interview in radio about our activity during this festival so people watched our website and saw pictures (and later movies). There are flash as well as mpg..'

.. our project "Let's make experiments" with movie about physics passed into the best 100 in Europe in 2003.

..Astronomy - Spaceman
Flash website about young man who learned in Russia how to become an astronaut. We had an interviews with him and later we prepared website including original pictures we got from him..


-> "How Greek ancient Culture stays on Ocidental culture"
'...The aim of this project is to prove that the ancient culture is the source of the European Culture and still influence on art, literature, philosophy etc. On the website http://greece.republika.pl we are preparing virtual school of Greek culture with lessons online. Later we will prepare special website consist of students science investigations, especially on subject "How Greek ancient culture influenced on Silesia culture" - this one in closely co-operation with Archeological Museum in Wroclaw...'

.. 'Wroclaw my town'
& streets of Wroclaw http://fobuss.republika.pl/awroclawstreet/big/ulice.shtml

-> "Wroclaw my town"
'Our website about Wroclaw - European metropolis proud of thousands years of history - with a big part consist of pictures on theme
- cultural heritage: monuments, museums..
for example
and our lesson "Through the centuries"

- cultural events: happenings, exibitions

- traditions: folklore, Christmas, Easter, food..

and many, many more.
Our special report "Streets of Wroclaw" (http://fobuss.republika.pl/awroclawstreet/big/ ) shows also daily life in our town. We started on May 2003 and we are working on it :).
Our websites consist of self-maden pictures, flash and movies..'


.. "Flowers for Europe"
various arrangements which meant to represent particular countries and were made of natural and artificial flowers by the students of a Gardening School in Mokrzeszow / Poland, under the supervision of the school teachers


.. M_K_I have set up a website for iEARN /Poland

Our main website in Polish


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'50th Anniversary of European Union'

M_K_I - Virtual Office
Redaktor naczelny:   Halina Bednarz
Webmaster:   Halina Bednarz
Współpracownicy:   M_K_I