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..coming soon.. Netdays 2004 in Wrocław / Poland

M_K_I 2004-06-12

Obrazek:Wroclaw the meeting place

date: 20.10 - 7.11 2004
place: Rynek Square
organizer: ‘Wyshehrad Society’
Photo exibition in the center of Wroclaw with the title “Wroclaw - Praha - Berlin”

date: 25 - 28.10.2004
place: cinema “Lalka”, street - Boleslawa Prusa
organizer: ‘Wyshehrad Society’
Preview (festival) of the movies “Young Cinema” in cinema “Lalka” with summary of 12 movies of young authors comes from Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland.

This two events were prepared in cooperation in ‘Wyshehrad Society’ in Wroclaw. The so called Wyshehrad Group includes 4 countries: Czech Republik, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland.
It is a cooperation between 4 towns comes from this 4 countries: Olomunca, Pescu, Preszowa, and Wroclaw.
The website for this project is now in preparation - http://www.wyszehrad.pl - and this project/events will be registered in these days on the Netdays Europe website.

date: 25.10-27.11.2004 (25 days)
place: School EKOLA, street - Zielinskiego 56
organizer: M_K_I

(open) Exibition “In 25 days around the Europe - picture and movie view” with photos made by students of secondary school “Ekola” presenting all EU countries in photos (taken during summer holidays). In case we will have not our own photos for particulary country, description of the most interesting places to visit will be prepared. As for Poland - Wroclaw will be shown as the most interesting place here and exactly with pictures published in our internet service and additionally a few mock-ups of the greatest historical monuments.

date: 5.11 2004
place: Cultural University Center “Palacyk”, street - Kosciuszki 34
organizer: M_K_I
(open) Flamenco and Salsa show in cultural center for university students - “Palacyk”

date: 5.11 2004, beginning at 19.00
place: Cultural University Center “Palacyk”, street - Kosciuszki 34
organizer: ZSP - Society of Polish Students

(open) Academic Artistic Stage - official opening of the project in preparation (later website for this event) - “Academic Artistic Week”.
It will be an annual event - artistic week ‘prepared by students’:
Monday Literacy Meeting,
Tuesday Kabaret Meetings
Wednesday Meetings with etnic culture - international: music all over the world, dances, videos, photos etc
Thursday Photo Exibitions - international: movies, photo presentations with workhops and special guests
Friday Theatre Meetings - international: theatre performances with special focus on pantomima

date: 25.11; 27.11 (Netdays week)
place: National Museum, street - Plac Powstancow Warszawy 5
organizer: National Museum and M_K_I

Workshops in National Museum and Open Door - in cooperation with National Museum in Wroclaw there 6 lessons will be prepared for 6 different schools on November 25 about culture in medieval times (with our pictures and movies made during ‘Wroclaw non-stop’ event).
On November 27 there will be the ‘Open Door’ in Museum with open lectures on this subject and a special exposition (paintings, sculptures etc).

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