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M_K_I 2004-06-12

My name is Damian Domagała. I’m 17 years old. I think that my age is less important than my experience. That’s my opinion. My father works in bank, and my mother is bookkeeper in a private business.

Now I’m going to tell something about my common school day. It’s very difficult, because every day in school is different for me. I think that other students have their picture about common school day, but when I got to my new school, my life became faster and more “productive”. If I have nothing special to do, my day looks likewise to this:
I get up at 6.30 a.m. I lay in bed for 15 minutes. Then I have shower, and do other interesting things in bathroom. After that ritual usually it’s 7.15 a.m. Then I sometimes do my homework (because I’m so lazy, and I forgot to do it before midnight), but it doesn’t persist longer than 20 minutes. When I came down to kitchen it’s about 7.30 and I don’t have much time for breakfast, because I get to school from my house in 25 minutes (lessons start at 8.00 a.m.). I have for breakfast little sandwich with cheese and coffee to drink. Usually I have seven lessons (only on Fridays there are six lessons). One lesson persist 45 minutes, and breaks persist 10 minutes (break for lunch – 15 minutes). We mustn’t be late for lessons, otherwise teacher sign it to class-book and it will have effects in opinion about ours behaviour. We don’t have to wear an uniforms. Our school is very liberal, but it expects from us respect for teachers and employees of school.

Now something about my pocket money. I get it irregular, because I never know, how many money I need in current month. Most of pocket money I spend on cinema, theatres, or concerts (including snacks and drinks there). Sometimes I buy new parts to my computer or electric guitar. I also spend some money on parties with friends. On these parties we often listen our favourite kind of music i.e. hard rock and heavy - metal. We dance, laugh and sign with this music. Personally I prefer jazz, blues and old rock. I’m also play on guitar in hard – rock group. That is one of my favourite hobbies. Also I like theatrical art, authorship and journalism. Generally I like everything relevant with culture. But only good quality culture.

School break up in this year at 21 june. I will go with friends on holiday to tramping in small mountains. After that I will go to Gdańsk (near the Baltic Sea), to theatrical festival. Finally I will go with scouts (because I’m scout) to summer camp. Maybe I will visit my friends in Wroclaw and Poznan. It will be summer, when I will have not much time for laying in the bed.

I don’t celebrate my birthday usually. At home my parents and sisters give me some gifts and say nice compliments. At school friends are congratulate me, do something crazy (you don’t want to know) and that’s all. I have almost everything that I want. But I am very satisfied, when someone gives me an album of my favourite group or interesting book. I don’t have any concrete needs.

I don’t eat normal supper, I don’t have a time for it. Usually it’s yoghurt and something sweet. Generally I’m back to home at 19.30 (I have many practices after lessons). Then I do my homework and get some relax on computer and stories. I write some numbers and stories. Also often I call to my friends and we talk a lot. I go to bed at 0.30 a.m. – 1.30 a.m. I don’t know, how can I get up so early and go to bed lately. But I’m doing it!

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