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Konkurs ORACLE - termin: 16 kwietnia 2007

M_K_I 2006-09-03

http://www.thinkquest.org/index.html Konkurs przeznaczony jest dla uczniów w wieku 9-19 lat i polega na utworzeniu edukacyjnej strony internetowej przez międzynarodowy zespół uczniów i nauczycieli.

Oracle Education Foundation Invites Students and Teachers to Take Part in ThinkQuest International

Deadline: April 16, 2007

The Oracle Education Foundation ( http://www.oraclefoundation.org/ )
has announced the opening of a new ThinkQuest competition, ThinkQuest International 2007, and invites students and teachers from around the globe to take part in this collaborative learning experience.

The educational contest is open to students between the ages of 9 and 19 and their teacher-coaches from anywhere in the world.
The program promotes collaboration and cross-cultural learning by encouraging students to team with peers in other regions to develop Web sites on educational topics. In the process of creating their site, students learn and practice their skills in research, writing, technology, and teamwork. Additionally, the competing teams have the opportunity to create Web sites that can be used as educational resources by students worldwide as part of
the ThinkQuest Library, available online at:

All submitted Web sites for ThinkQuest International 2007 will be judged by professional educators.

Winners will receive prizes from the Oracle Education Foundation, including laptops and $1,000 school grants for the top ten teams in each age division, travel to the annual ThinkQuest Live event for the top three teams in each division, and digital cameras for the team that receives the Global Perspectives Award.

Students and educators interested in participating can find
further information at the program's Web site.


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iEARN w Polsce / iEARN in Poland
Redaktor naczelny:   Halina Bednarz
Webmaster:   Halina Bednarz
Współpracownicy:   M_K_I, Ewa, Andrzej, Marek Grzegorz