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ENO TREE PLANTING DAY - 22 wrzesnia 2008!

Halina Bednarz 2008-08-31

ENO Programme invites you to an exciting event. A new school year will be opened in a special way: planting trees and seeing stars! ENO Tree Planting Day 2008 will be organised on the 22nd of September, the day of autumnal equinox. The length of the day is the same everywhere, with everyone worldwide receiving 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night. As the international day for peace falls a day before, this is also our contribution for peace.

Tree planting is important for us. Firstly, it reminds us of the nature and the importance of environmental protection. Secondly, it is a symbol for the international co-operation. Star observations is a new activity. This day will start our preparation for SciFest 2009 event that will take place in Joensuu, Finland.

Your contribution is important! Your trees will be a part of ENO 2008 Tree Planting Campaign. Our aim to plant at least a million trees by the end of 2008, as a part of Billion Tree Campaign by United Nations Environment Programme.
How to get involved?
At first register your school/group online, by 15th of September 2008

You will receive login and password via email in order to submit your information afterwards to ENO Tree Database.
Each participating school or youth group will receive a certificate. Find instructions, more information and material (our play, songs etc) for the day on the web. Join us - day and night!

ENO Tree Planting Day 2008:

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iEARN w Polsce / iEARN in Poland
Redaktor naczelny:   Halina Bednarz
Webmaster:   Halina Bednarz
Współpracownicy:   M_K_I, Ewa, Andrzej, Marek Grzegorz