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Polski projekt 'Young Diplomats' nagrodzony!!

Halina Bednarz 2007-11-01

During the last Conference in Kerkini, Serres Prefecture, Greece, 32 AEC projects (new and continuing) were developed. Out of these AEC Projects, six AEC projects were conferred the AEC Award, comprising a cash prize of Euro 1,000. The cash prize can be used either to further develop the winning projects, or to initiate new ICT collaborative projects The six AEC projects were:

All Ahoy
Cultural Kaleidoscope 2007
Mastering Media – The Sequel
When Nature Calls
Young Diplomats

The AEC Project Groups contending for the AEC Award were judged based on the award rubic as well as the online votes submitted over the past two months.


Opis zwycieskich projektów

"Project Young Diplomats http://youngdiplomats.zsei.info  is coordinating by Polish TEAM: Halina Bednarz (the author) and Joanna Mika Hadelka.

Project members from Asia-Europe schools

"We would like to express many thanks to all participants -  students and teachers, the creators of the success Young Diplomats, which has been finally awarded for its excellent resources. Not only your efficient and magnificent work but also commitment made it an award-winning project!

Our warmest thanks go to Leng Yee See, Brunei - school Pusat Tingkatan Enam Berakas, Hideyuki Baba, Japan - Keio Girls' High School, Maryline Clément, France - LPR Valentin Metzinger, Saint-Avold, Pupu Prasaputra Kosasih, Indonesia - Sekolah Berwawasan International, Polona Zalokar and Andreja Vipotnik from Slovenia - Solski center Celje, Gimnazija Lava and also Helen Aggabao and Johnny Boy Recella from Philippines - National High School.
Special thanks to Marek Grzegorz Sawicki - Poland.

Thank you for your long-time wonderful cooperation. We are sure that our common interests and further collaborative work will strengthen our friendship.

Many thanks to Ramon Molina, Director of People-to-People Exchange Asia-Europe Foundation who enabled us such cooperation and the jury whose decision YOUNG DIPLOMATS was first nominated and then conferred the AEC Award."


YOUNG DIPLOMATS - Project Description
This project will try to establish the link between different kinds of celebrations in Asia and Europe. It will help to know and understand better the spirit of cultural manners and bring students from Asia and Europe closer to each other through the process of self presentation and studying different traditions. It will help the students to understand better their own traditions and historical/cultural roots as well.

Schools put photo-reportages of national holidays to a website, and the selected ‘international ambassadors' of each school, collaborating with the embassies, will make multimedia presentations of the different celebrations for one publishing, as well as conduct actual celebrations at the school.

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iEARN w Polsce / iEARN in Poland
Redaktor naczelny:   Halina Bednarz
Webmaster:   Halina Bednarz
Współpracownicy:   M_K_I, Ewa, Andrzej, Marek Grzegorz