Międzynarodowa Sieć Pomysłów Eukacyjnych - oficjalna strona iEARN / Poland
Środa, 22 stycznia 2025 - 05:07
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Our Polish Project 'Young Diplomats' among the FINALISTS of Stockholm Challenge Award 2008!

'Young Diplomats - Multimedia Diary' http://webnews.textalk.com/en/view.php?id=9170 has been selected as the finalist in the Stockholm Challenge Award 2008 with a chance to win the Stockholm Challenge Trophy. The winner in the Culture category...


Talking Kites All Over the World w Warszawie

21 marca polecialy w niebo latawce z przeslaniem Janusza Korczaka na calym swiecie..

Reportaz z Warszawy


Na zdjeciach i filmie uczniowie Liceum nr 33 z nauczycielem dr Markiem Grzegorzem Sawickim.


Join the Anna Lindh Foundation - the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

The Anna Lindh Foundation is a unique organization, resourced by and reporting to the governments of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership and acting as a network of civil society organizations working for dialogue in the region.

National networks

and Poland


International Year of Astronomy - news

Here are some IYA2009 updates from the last week.
Galileoscopes now available
The Galileoscope — a high quality, easy-to-assemble and easy-to-use telescope at an unprecedentedly low price — is now available to order.


Special Focus: IYA2009 - "Inside Cosmos" by Young Scientists

According to the 'International Year of Astronomy 2009' http://www.astronomy2009.org/ we would like to propose the science project for young scientists
Basis for our ideas are the objectives http://whc.unesco.org/en/activities/19

Welcome to the global celebration of astronomy and its contributions to society and culture
‘Young Scientists - InsideCosmos' project is connected with the first International Year of Astronomy 2009 which was proclaimed by UNESCO. We would like to ‘bring the stars' to you by proposing 2 main subjects:


2008/2009 - Polish Year in Israel & the first Polish-Israel iEARN twin conference

"The Polish Year in Israel, which began in spring 2008 and will be continued in 2009, is an initiative of the Polish Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Our aim is to bring the societies of Poland and Israel closer through the strengthening of cultural, economic, scientific and tourism-related contacts, as well as to initiate a long-term cooperation between institutions of the two countries."


'The Universe, Yours to Discover' - International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009) /UNESCO

The International Astronomical Union (IAU) launched 2009 as the International Year of Astronomy (IYA2009) under the theme, The Universe, Yours to Discover.
IYA2009 marks the 400th anniversary of the first astronomical observation through a telescope...


ENO TREE PLANTING DAY - 22 wrzesnia 2008!

ENO Programme invites you to an exciting event. A new school year will be opened in a special way: planting trees and seeing stars! ENO Tree Planting Day 2008 will be organised on the 22nd of September, the day of autumnal equinox. The length of...


Międzynarodowy projekt 'Talking Kites All Over the World' - Latawce i marzenia

Międzynarodowy projekt  iEARN  'Talking kites'

W niebo poleciały 452 latawce, wiele balonów i innych maszyn latających - przyozdobionych dziecięcymi marzeniami i cytatami ze Starego Doktora. Nie zabrakło na nich symboli, wierszy i piosenek poświęconych Januszowi Korczakowi.


Press Release 2006

http://www.glogow.pl/iearn_gallery/displayimage.php?album=187&;pos=0 POLISH SCHOOLS EXPAND ONLINE INTERACTION WITH AMERICANS Through the innovative iEARN program, students in Poland are able to use Internet technology to interact with American...


Zapraszamy do KONKURSU!

Welcome to our Asia Europe COMPETITION! http://webnews.textalk.com/en/article.php?id=305721&;context=71347 Target: producing learning object about Europe and Asia Categories: I. Multimedia report of event (photo, collage of photos) II....

Polish Team 'International' and works..

Zapraszamy do projektu 'Public Art'

http://www.iearn.cat/publicart/#english Public Art Project Goals - Constructing a photographic gallery with images brought by the participant groups, which show some artistic element that is found in a public space, in the open air, from their...


Polski projekt 'Young Diplomats' nagrodzony!!

During the last Conference in Kerkini, Serres Prefecture, Greece, 32 AEC projects (new and continuing) were developed. Out of these AEC Projects, six AEC projects were conferred the AEC Award, comprising a cash prize of Euro 1,000. The cash prize...


Wesołych Świąt! /MERRY CHRISTMAS!

http://wroclawon.republika.pl/swieta2bx.jpg VIDEO GREETINGS http://www.glogow.pl/iearn_gallery/displayimage.php?album=186&;pos=0


Miedzynarodowe Zyczenia :)

Międzynarodowe kolędy i życzenia świąteczne wykonane przez uczniów międzynarodowej szkoły w Hiszpanii przesłał nam Toni Casserras, koordynator iEARN/Spain :) http://www.youtube...


International Education Week - 12-16.11.07

English-French acting : looking for partners

50 rocznica UE - KONKURS /do 15 kwietnia 07

50 lat Unii Europejskiej: kwestionariusz - 'Obywatelstwo Europejskie' - zapraszamy!

National Geographic: KONKURS - wykorzystania odnawialnych surowców energetycznych /do 15 czerwca

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School Theatre

......HOT LINK......



iEARN w Polsce / iEARN in Poland
Redaktor naczelny:   Halina Bednarz
Webmaster:   Halina Bednarz
Współpracownicy:   M_K_I, Ewa, Andrzej, Marek Grzegorz