Międzynarodowa Sieć Pomysłów Eukacyjnych - oficjalna strona iEARN / Poland
Piątek, 7 marca 2025 - 03:43
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iEARN festival

M_K_I 2005-10-19

http://www.glogow.pl/iearn/ iEARN Festival - International on global level will take place on November 14-30 Aim of this project is to celebrate international cooperation at iEARN network schools. This project is setup and coordiated by iEARN Poland, and for the first time of this event we suggest following activities: - Folk costumes and related tradition - which could be an activity for students to organize in their school a folk costumes parade or role-play: simulating a tradition from their country; all the pictures could be loaded on the web site - a painting exhibition dedicated to these events, and all the participating schools are welcomed to send photos from their exhibitions for the large virtual gallery with paintings on the iEARN Festival's web site. - contest for a Logo for this Festival, and invite the students to submit their creations in - let's say a 2 week's period - and the winner Logo might stay on the festival's web site. - video-conferences - meetings, exibitions and others

iEARN Festival DATES: November 14-30

- folk festivals: coordinator Cornelia Platon "Alexandru Papiu Ilarian" Highschool Dej iEARN Coordinator for Romania
contact: nelly@lapd.cj.edu.ro

- video-conferences, chats: coordinator Larry Frates,
ETE facilitator, USA Laconia Supervisory Unit 30- Visual Arts Coordinator Laconia, NH, USA
contact: lfrates@laconia.k12.nh.us

- cross-cultural performances: coordinator Halina Bednarz, MKI Poland http://theatre.m-szkola.net
contact: mki@m-szkola.net

- website for iEARN Festival & competition for logo: coordinators Halina Bednarz, Marek Grzegorz Sawicki Poland
contact: mki@m-szkola.net

- exibitions at schools, meetings and many other.

Skomentuj Tipsa en vn Wydrukuj

3. Folk festival Nissa Konate 2005-11-08
2. Encouragements From DR of Congo ! Didier LUNGU 2005-10-24
1. festival Mr. Sumer Singh, Director, Citi Entertainment Network, Chandigarh, India 2005-10-22

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iEARN w Polsce / iEARN in Poland
Redaktor naczelny:   Halina Bednarz
Webmaster:   Halina Bednarz
Współpracownicy:   M_K_I, Ewa, Andrzej, Marek Grzegorz