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Miedzynarodowy Festiwal Tworczosci Szkolnej. San Remo, Wlochy, Maj 2006

M_K_I 2005-12-10

www.gef.it Uczniowie z Polskich Szkól i Domów Kultury wystapia w maju 2006 w slynnym Teatro Ariston w San Remo (Wlochy) Konkursy: * Muzyka * Szkolne Orkiestry *Teatr * Film * Szkoly Mody * Taniec * Fotografia * Kuchnia Tradycyjna i regionalna * Solidarnosc i Wrazliwosc * Satyra * Prix Modigliani i inne Spotkaj sie z nauczycielami i uczniami z roznych krajow z calego swiata! Zobacz strony: www.gef.it

Dear Director,

GEF has now grown up to be one of the most important events for schools of any kind and level, from the whole world, organized in the collaboration with "Ufficio Scolastico Regionale Liguria ".

Supported by the Town Council of Sanremo, under the patronage of European Parliament and of the most important Ministries and Associations as UNICEF and UNESCO, GEF is the most important event for creativity in schools.

Last years finals, May 2005, had 2.951 participants for the finals and over 6.313 hotel presents from 46 different Italian regions and 17 different nations. In Sanremo the incomings put GEF on second place after the famous Italian Song Festival ( Festival della Canzone Italiana).

Personalities as Antonio Ricci, Katia Ricciarelli, Carla Fracci, Carlo Rambaldi, Flavio Oreglio and others have already participated in GEF.

Not only the most important newspapers spoke about GEF, but also the television as RAI 1, Canale 5, RAI 3, La 7 and Italia 1.
The finals of GEF, eighth edition, will take place at the theatre Ariston in Sanremo - Italy, 2 - 7 May 2006.

Always more schools introduce GEF into their school calendar, as an official school excursion, and enter the event with more classes in almost all competitions of GEF.

Considering the validity of all initiatives inside GEF as education and cultural formation, we ask to forward all information about GEF to your teacher staff and hang the poster on the show-case. Remember that in nearly all of GEF's competitions it's not the singular student who is awarded but the class and the school.

The rules for each competition you may find on our website www.gef.it or you may ask for it by telephone ++39 0184 570300 or by fax ++39 0184 504685.
Always on your disposal, please do not hesitate to contact us you have any queries whatsoever.

Yours Sincerely.
GEF - Global Education Festival The President
Cav. Uff. Paolo Alberti

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iEARN w Polsce / iEARN in Poland
Redaktor naczelny:   Halina Bednarz
Webmaster:   Halina Bednarz
Współpracownicy:   M_K_I, Ewa, Andrzej, Marek Grzegorz