Międzynarodowa Sieć Pomysłów Eukacyjnych - oficjalna strona iEARN / Poland
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TOP 100 w Europie!

M_K_I 2005-11-22

Dwa polskie projekty iEARN: UNIVERSAL VALUES http://www.glogow.pl/pp5/ School Theatre International http://theatre.m-szkola.net Znalazły się w gronie 'TOP 100' 2005 w Europie w konkursie eLearning Awards. Pełna lista http://elearningawards.eun.org Do konkursu zgłoszono 800 prac z 30 krajów.. M_K_I


Pupil age group
4 to 5 years, 6 to 8 years
Language of the project

The purpose of the project called „Universal Values” is the exchange of educational ideas of teachers working with the youngest children in order to establish a bank of ideas on the internet (lesson plans, teaching materials, etc.) on how to teach children about the most basic values.
As the result of our cooperation we shall create a bank of tested teaching materials accessible on the internet, ready to use when teaching about and explaining the idea of universal values to children, in particular:
• lesson plans,
• examples of a “good practice”, i.e. the descriptions of conducted lessons altogether with the results analysis,
• multimedia teaching materials – presentations, games or quizzes (some of those will be available on-line),
• discussion forums.
The main aim of the project is to increase the effectiveness of teaching of the subject and improve the quality of teaching materials and equipment of educational centres.
Teachers from all over the world will be able to use available resources when teaching their pupils about the basic values. The resources shall be arranged in different categories depending on values they represent.

Summary of benefits and transferability
Universal values is a project created especially for the youngest children. All children who take part in this project are expected to perform certain activities.
The children will be authors of part of the examples, especially: pictures, photos, drawings, sounds and short texts. Children will discuss and decide about the content and form of the ICT tools they are going to use. They will be all the time supported by teachers therefore will develop abilities to use wide range of multimedia tools which at the same time will match their manual and perceptive abilities.

One of the examples of the activities is keeping a record of material symbols of values which can be found all around the world, e.g. Pink Bridge of Tolerance over Odra River in Głogów, Poland , Guernica Pablo Pocasso in Spain, World Peace Bell or Statue Of Liberty in New York, USA with links to web sites:


The discussion forum for teachers concerning this type of activity can be found at the following web site address:


Another example of an activity is recording the examples of polite phrases „Please, I am Sorry or Excuse me, Thank you” in various languages in WAVE or MP3 formats.


Teachers altogether with pupils can prepare video recordings of national dances which together with short information about school and region it is from will be published in a special section of the following website:


The project offers its participants opportunities to cooperate and use all available information technology tools when working with children. Children supported by their teacher will be able to use multimedia sources of information (e-books), search for information on the net and use digital equipment (digital camera, scanner) in order to document, duplicate and process information. The project develops the abilities to use advanced communication tools in cooperation between children, teachers and schools and thus improve the quality of education of the youngest children. Because of the age of children the project will be a starting point for education based on knowledge in a lifetime education context and will influence the integration of institutions teaching the youngest children in the net community. The project shall be directly coordinated by the team of teachers from different countries, specialists in nursery school teaching.

The teachers taking part in the project will be supported by the project coordinator in all areas: pedagogic counseling and areas concerning the use of ICT. Cooperating schools will be able to manage the content of the resources on the internet.

All ideas concerning the project are welcome. Both participants and non-participants of the project will be able to present their opinions, own ideas and prepared teaching materials in order to share them on the internet, etc.

The subject of the project – the meaning of values in a child’s world allows to conduct many activities and use various teaching aids and materials. All of this has its result in including the project in this year Project Book on the following web site:

Coordinators / International TEAM/:
Teachers from Poland: Ewa Kurzak, Halina Bednarz, Sylwester Strzelec
Teacher from Spain: Maria Piedad Avello

Hosted by town of Głogów. The project is supported by the authorities of the town of Glogow.


School Theatre International

School Theatre - International
Pupil age group
9 to 11 years, 12 to 15 years, 16 to 18 years, over 18 years
Language of the project

'School Theatre' project is focused on international cooperation between schools and establishing cross-cultural performances.

Informational and showcase website:
The website as a network of schools' theatre teams.

Teams are welcomed to submit descriptions of themselves and/or projects via the online form.
Projects would be presented on this webiste aiming to establish platform for exchanging experiences, making links between youth artistic teams as well as a platform for cooperation and finding partners.

Virtual Theatre:
ICT resources of schools' teams.

Teams are welcomed to submit virtual projects of illustrated performance (pictures/drawings & screenplay) of all types of artistic activities (happenings, classic or modern theatres, science fiction stories, etc.), flash visualisations and other.

Project initiators can be schools or youth clubs - students in the 13 to 20 age range, as well as universities and other educational or cultural organisations like theatres, operas or filharmonies.

Summary of benefits and transferability
'International: School Theatre' project is focused on international cooperation between school theatre teams.
Cross cultural exchange: website will let teams find a partner school from other country and prepare performances - for example Japanese theatre in Greece school and reverse..

Coordinators /International TEAM/
teacher from Poland - Halina Bednarz
teachers from Greece - Panagiotis Dimisianos, Christina Mekka
We established website
and Forum

That project has been included in the iEARN Project Book 2005/2006 http://www.iearn.org/projects/projectbook.html
Direct link to description:


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School Theatre

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iEARN w Polsce / iEARN in Poland
Redaktor naczelny:   Halina Bednarz
Webmaster:   Halina Bednarz
Współpracownicy:   M_K_I, Ewa, Andrzej, Marek Grzegorz