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Wilkanow 2002 - report

Witold Litwin 2004-08-06

Report from workshops in Wilkanow

1. Place of workshops: Wilkanów
2. Place of accomodation: Wojtowice, Miedzygorze
3. Dates: June 7-9, 2002

4. Organisers and trainers:
Dorota Komornicka, Krzysztof Kosela, Andrzej Litwin, Agnieszka Rymsza, Monika Figiel, Beata Budzik, Dagmara Wozniakowska, Marek Sawicki

5. Participants: 40 teachers and headmasters of Gymnasiums and High Schools from 4 districts of Masyw Snieznika, 30 students schools leaders, members of Teenage Council of Local Fund of Masyw Snieznika

6. Parts of workshops

Plenary session:

Short speeches:
Dorota Komornicka: introduction, welcome of organisers, participants and guests (local authorities, media), Dagmara Wozniakowska, Beata Budzik, Marek Sawicki, Monika Figiel - short presentation of particlular branches of workshops and rules of evaluation

Main lecture: Krzysztof Kosela Civil society in Poland in the light of the results of the research conducted in 28 countries on civic knowledge and skills of 14 years olds, which became a basis for creating DEEP program.

Democracy course:

Trainers: Agnieszka Rymsza, Beata Budzik, Monika Figiel

Content: principles of and road to democracy, three kinds of citizens according to Joseph Kahne, identifying local communities problems and developing stages of projects aiming to combat chosen problems, which are to be carried out by both teachers and students during the next school year, as part or beyond school curricula.

Street Law course:

Trainer: Dagmara Wozniakowska

Content: functioning of elected and appointed governments of different levels, rights and duties of citizens, students, patiensts, conumers, etc., teaching about law

International Education and Resource Network (iEARN) course:

Trainers: Andrzej Litwin, Marek Sawicki

Content: Internet and e-mail as an attractive educational tool, how to realize international programs and create circles of interests in schools, encouraging teachers and students to join the interesting ideas of iEARN programs,functioning in 4000 schools in 100 countries.

7. Evaluation, Monitorning of the workshops:
Monika Figiel, Agnieszka Rymsza -
Conducting questionnaires and interviews on content and organization of the workshops

8. Accompanying events:
- July 7, 2002, Evening in Wojtowice's barn integrating party for workshops participants
- July 8, 2002, Sponsor of the year an annual event of Local Fund Masyw Snieznika followed by a clasical music concert performed by the most talented students of High music schools LFMS scholarships winners
- July 8, 2002, farewell dinner to folk music

9. Continuation of the program 4 districts of Masyw Snieznika
- June 15 July 15, 2002 participants of the workshops are working on the final version of their socialy useful projects and submit them to a competition: Act locally announced and monitored by LFMS
- July 6, 2002 additional workshops for competition participants: designing budget
- September 1 December 31, 2002 realisation of the projects in schools, two meetings with DEEP consultants
- Starting from September 1, 2002, laureates of: Act locally competition realize their projects
- September 2002 meeting of youth from Teenage Fund Council with mayors, leaders and aldermen of Masyw Snieznika district
- Organization by the Teenage Fund Council of a Hyde Park for potential candidates for mayors and aldermen
- October, 2002 meeting of the youth from Teenage Fund Council with prefect of Klodzk and districts aldermen
- November/December 2002, Educational trip to Warsaw of youth from the Teenage Fund Council accompanied by a few teachers of civic education
- Constant monitorning of the program by trainers, coordinator and subcoordinators

10. Organizations and Institutions cooperating to realize the program:

Fundusz Lokalny Masywu Snieznika, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Prawnej, Stowarzyszenie Nauczycieli Internautow (Internet Teachers Association), Malopolskie Towarzystwo Oswiatowe, Stowarzyszenie "Zdanie", City administrations of: Bystrzyca Klodzka, Miedzylesie, Ladek Stronie Slaskie, Plebania w Wilkanowie, Fundusz Wczasow Pracowniczych w Międzygorzu, Panstwowa Szkoła Muzyczna w Bystrzycy Kłodzkiej.

2 Profits from working in program; 3 Calendar of workshops 2002;
8 Project facilitators

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iEARN w Polsce / iEARN in Poland
Redaktor naczelny:   Halina Bednarz
Webmaster:   Halina Bednarz
Współpracownicy:   M_K_I, Ewa, Andrzej, Marek Grzegorz