2011: Living Paintings
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Closing/Opening Ceremony :)

Halina Bednarz 2007-09-18

We would like to thank all the teachers and students who have participated in 'International Diary/multimedia report'- a part of a large idea "Young Diplomats". The project is already finished and the results of our very intensive one-year's work can be seen here http://youngdiplomats.zsei.info/ Only thanks to such cooperation we were able to prepare the webpage and its gallery, and learn so much about our countries, tradition, culture and daily life - it's interesting and eye-catching. Well done! REPORT: http://www.youngdiplomats.zsei.info/photo/thumbnails.php?album=88

"Young Diplomats" will be expanded in 2007/2008
Since the new school year has already started, we're going to invite you to another project entitled
'International Ambassadors', using however the same hosting on the Internet.
We begin the project by simply getting to know each other better and then doing a little research on one another
countries and culture and presenting the outcomes not only in virtual environment but also in our local communities. Contact us if you are interested in joining our international team in this project - warmly WELCOME TO :)

CONTACT: mki@m-szkola.net

See below pasted outline please.

Polish Team ( Halina Bednarz, Aleksandra Baran, Joanna Mika-Hadelka and Darek Zerdzinski)

Students prepare multimedia presentations of national holidays, celebrations in Asia and Europe (students become the ambassadors of the other country).

Participating schools will choose one other country across continents to become ambassadors for that country in own local community. They will study traditions and
prepare multimedia presentations (ppt / flash) of national celebrations for online publishing. Additionally, the schools should make contact with the embassy of the chosen
country for the interview and prepare some presentation/exhibition to promote that country in their local community.
Furthermore they should prepare one celebration / take
part in one holiday or event in the chosen country
and send a multimedia report for online publishing.

Schools should use our original data published here:
& Gallery


Project website: http://youngdiplomats.zsei.info  


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Sunday 22nd of December 2024 - 01:21 PM


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Young Diplomats
Chief Editor:   Halina Bednarz
Webmaster:   Halina Bednarz
Collaborators:   Halina, Panos
Copyright M_K_I