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Bangladesh: The IYA-2009 at Bandura Holy Cross High School

Mamun Ahamed Sharif 2009-04-18


It was another great success for Bangladesh Astronomical Society and the National Celebration Committee for IYA-2009 in Bangladesh to Celebrated the IYA-2009 at Bandura Holy Cross High School, which is located in a village area at about 45 Kilometers Southern pointfrom Dhaka.

Student and Teachers including the local people were unaware about the real Astronomy and its modern development, event the students were astonished when they observed the events conducting by turns on that day. Most of them heard the words on Astronomy, Space
Exploration and the Universe for the first time and they become avid for such kind of arrangement and wanted to know about the Sky more and more.

Water Rocket Launching

United Nations has declared 2009 as the ‘International Year of Astronomy'. Bangladesh including 136 countries around the world has started celebration of this historic event from 1st January 2009.
As a part of this Programme, Bandura Holy Cross High School of Nawabganj, Dhaka in collaboration of National Committee for Celebration of IYA-2009, Bangladesh, arranged a colourful function in the school premises on 15 April, 2009.

The Programme started at about 9.30am and ended at 1.30pm which was attended by about 1500 students including teachers and astronomy enthusiasts.

Among the events were Water Rocket Launch, Video Show, Space Arts, Space Quiz, Question-Answer session etc. Students were excited to see the Water Rocket Launch and Space Video Show events as they had never seen it before.


Among those who delivered their lectures were Brother Chandan Benedict Gomes, the Head Master of Bandura Holy Cross High School, F.R. Sarker, General Secretary, Bangladesh Astronomical Society and the SPoC for IYA-2009 in Bangladesh, Engr. Enamul Haque, former director of Water Development Board, Syed Golam Kibria, Scientific Officer of Bangladesh Institute of Strategic Studies, Christina Liza Fernandez, Secretary , Nawabgang Upazila Branch of Bangladesh Astronomical Society, Habibur Rahman Khan Pannu, Chairman, Noyonsree Union Council, and Mr. Dipu, Director, Amader Pathchokra, Mahid Imran Jitu, Space enthusiast etc.

An Astro-Art Competition was held for the junior students to Celebrate the IYA-09

Mr FR Sarker, SPoC for Bangladesh, is delivering his lecture

The speakers explained the objectives of the Celebration of International Year of Astronomy and emphasized the need for study of Astronomy and Space Science.

They also told that within a few years Man will build up permanent settlement on the surface of the Moon and Mars and the lifestyles will be dominated by space technologies and its applications.

Mamun Ahamed Sharif
Office Secretary
Bangladesh Astronomical Society

Coordinator IYA2009 in Bangladesh

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