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Special Focus: IYA2009 - *Young Scientists 'In the Cosmos'*

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Special Focus: IYA2009 - *Young Scientists 'In the Cosmos'*

Halina Bednarz 2008-10-09

According to the 'International Year of Astronomy 2009' http://www.astronomy2009.org/  we would like to propose the science project for young scientists in Europe and Asia.
Basis for our ideas are the objectives http://whc.unesco.org/en/activities/19

Welcome to the global celebration of astronomy and its contributions to society and culture
*Young Scientists 'In the Cosmos'* project is connected with the first International Year of Astronomy 2009 which was proclaimed by UNESCO. We would like to ‘bring the stars' to you by proposing 2 main subjects:


1. Following in Galileo's footsteps (science activity);
Students will study the sky with self-made telescope and share multimedia resources (photos, movies)

And - following the very new UNESCO initiative ‘to establish a link between science and culture on the basis of research aimed at acknowledging the cultural and scientific values of properties connected with astronomy." - we propose..
2. Linking Astronomy and World Heritage (culture/art activity)

a) prepare an artistic projects for the ‘MONUMENT TO COSMOS' - this with online voting for the best proposal.

b) identify properties related to astronomy located around the home country, to ‘preserve their memory and save them from progressive deterioration.'

Experts -
Halina Bednarz - M_K_I/PL
Zofia Pajestka-Jurasz -  Liceum M. Copernicus, Zywiec /PL

'In Galileo’s footsteps' & 'Linking Astronomy and World Heritage'

Image:Halina Bednarz

Involved schools/classes choosing some of following activities and preparing reports for publishing in common internet service

I Following in Galileo’s footsteps (science activity);

Students will study the sky with self-made telescope and share multimedia resources (photos, movies) – following instructions gave by coordinators and published on service
For Asian students: please notice: “We distribute "Galileoscope" for children specially living in Asian countries” -> http://www.astronomy2009.jp/en/plan-e.html

II Linking Astronomy and World Heritage (culture/art activity)

a) students will prepare an artistic projects for the ‘MONUMENT TO COSMOS’ – with online voting for the best proposal. The artistic project can be made with any artistic form - including digital, with the use of computer graphic software and uploaded on special online Gallery

b) students will try to identify properties related to astronomy located around the home country, to ‘preserve their memory and save them from progressive deterioration.’, will prepare multimedia (photos, movies) resources with brief description of that property.

c) Moreover, students are welcome to share their reports of celebration of the IYA2009 each way, for example meetings & festivals at schools, visitings the astronomy institutes and observatories, and other activities.
Example: http://www.eu.cyberdusk.pl/science/

*Young Scientists 'In the Cosmos'*

This project is design according to the 'International Year of Astronomy 2009' http://www.astronomy2009.org/, a science project for young scientists in Europe and Asia. The objective of the Astronomy and World Heritage thematic initiative is to establish a link between science and culture on the basis of research aimed at acknowledging the cultural and scientific values of properties connected with astronomy.
The identification, safeguarding and promotion of these properties are the three lines of actions for the implementation of this programme.
Its goals are
(a) to offer a methodological framework for associated actions;
(b) to open the pathway for co-operation between States Parties and academic communities and
(c) to share knowledge.



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Young Diplomats
Chief Editor:   Halina Bednarz
Webmaster:   Halina Bednarz
Collaborators:   Halina, Panos
Copyright M_K_I