2011: Living Paintings
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Search for:   "JAPAN"
Number of hits:   46

The following articles were found according to search conditions.

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2009-10-03 21:37
Dancing World - project overview, participants

2009-08-06 08:41
JAPAN: Hikawamaru

2009-03-15 16:57
Japanese Events - four seasons

2008-11-15 17:22
Japanese teachers at the Polish Embassy in Tokyo

2008-10-09 17:22
"Living History - a short story of civilisation" - project overview, participants

2008-05-04 21:38
JAPAN: Tokyo - put in stark contrast

2008-05-04 17:52
POLAND: Long weekend and traditional May outing in Japanese Garden /Wroclaw

2008-05-03 08:31
Press release - Japan Festival in local newspaper

2008-04-30 10:48
JAPAN: 50th anniversary of the EU in Keio Girls High School - 慶應義塾女子高等学校

2008-04-25 16:04
Culture meeting: The Japanese living in Poland..

2008-04-11 17:21
JAPAN: How to enhance co-learning

2008-04-09 08:41
POLAND: A warm welcome in the Japanese Embassy in Warsaw.

2008-04-01 22:51
POLAND: Tokyo Sushi – workshops in a Japanese restaurant

2008-03-05 10:17
Honorable patronage over Young Diplomats competition

2008-03-04 19:53
POLAND: Japan Festival - 28 March/Wroclaw

2008-02-24 12:03
TEST - test your knowledge about Asia and Europe!

2008-02-19 22:04
POLAND: Polish-Japanese culinary experience

2008-02-16 11:02
POLAND: Japanese culture everywhere in Europe

2008-02-11 12:01
International Ambassadors COMPETITION annoucement

2008-02-05 18:22
POLAND: The FIS World Ski Jumping Cup in Zakopane

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Young Diplomats
Chief Editor:   Halina Bednarz
Webmaster:   Halina Bednarz
Collaborators:   Halina, Panos
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