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Jitka Rehakova 2006-12-24

Translation Team from Grammar School Ceska Kamenice
Translation Team from Grammar School Ceska Kamenice

Cooperation in Ceska Kamenice

The school in playing, the wandering with dwarf „Wasteboy“

What’s the mess, wondered the children from Kindergarten Komenského, when they wanted to play in the garden on Friday, 13th October. There was clean litter cluttered around the dustbin in the middle of the garden. The dustman Bohouš standed near the dustbins. He couldn’t manage all the huddle of trashes and he had already a full dustbin. He asked the children to tell him what to do.
And the children knew it. They helped him to sort the litter to bags according to it’s kind. The dustman Bohouš had a reward for them- waste memory game.
The game about the dustman was prepared by the employees of the kindergarten. It was a part of project “Wandering with dwarf Wasteboy”, that the kindergarten offered to selection procedure for Development of environment protection and enlightenment programme in the Ústí region for year 2006.
The project was supported simultaneously together with nine other projects from the whole region. And what will the children do with the dwarf? On Wenesday, 18th October they visited the arboriculture in Krásné Pole. The children had a chance to see what pain it takes to grow a tree. The worker, Mr. Kučera, told the children how to protect the trees and look after them.
As following the children will create toys from containers, play with them and in the end they will organize an exposition for public. Name of the exhibition is “The place for life” .
The kindergarten in Česká Kamenice together with the Grammar school in Česká Kamenice and CDM (Children and youth centre) in Česká Kamenice take a share on the realization of the project.
I think that even at kindergarten it is possible to educate the children in sphere of environment protection and lay the foundations of environment friendly behaviour. I would like to thank to all the people that paticipated the project and that are creating the beginnings of new stance to the reality. In the name of the stuff of MŠ Komenského the schoolmistress Jitka Řeháková and for the Grammar School Česká Kamenice the coordinator of translation, Jan Mareš.

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