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Dun Ġużepp Żerafa Primary and Kindergarten School

Miriam Schembri 2006-11-26

Our Kindergarten centre is in Fgura, Malta. / View more.../ Fgura is a very busy village in the southern part of the island. Although it is a very modern village, it dates back to Punic times. Six tombs which date back to the third and fourth century BC were excavated. About fifty years ago Fgura was a small, quiet village with a few scattered farms. Then an industrial estate was built and the village grew into a commercial centre with about 13,000 inhabitants. The centre of the village is the parish church which was built recently as the old church became too small for the locals. The festa is the main social event in the village.

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3. Thank You Sonia Mifsud 2007-05-26
2. Fgura Project Josette Brincau 2007-02-08
1. A very good teacher at Fgura's Kindergarten Josephine Ebejer Grech 2007-01-28

Tuesday 16th of July 2024 - 08:17 AM

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