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Tasks for the participants (LEoBS)

Ewa Kurzak 2006-09-20

We invite everyone to do our fantastic tasks!!! Only children and crazy scientists can play this way!!! We work as a team by "puzzle method". Choose and realize your part of work and whole will arise. NOTE All participants: --> can choose when they want to do the tasks, arrangement of class, --> modify the tasks, --> publish the results on the Internet. => Send a story to be published

1. Tasks for all participants – 'Little Explorers of Big Space' project

Provide children with all necessary information through conversation, presentation, immediate observation and also by using books, films and pictures. If it’s possible organize a trip to Astronomical Observatory.
Present children all the tools needed to make observations.
What does our immediate environment look like?
What observations can we make from the Earth?
Tools needed to make observations: telescope, magnifying glass, binoculars, microscope.
What does the Earth seen from the Space look like?
Mind maps or posters.
Resources published on the project’s Internet site.

2. Directions – Distances orientation in time and space.
=> Nursery School Nr 5 in Glogow/Poland

“Hot – cold” game
Looking for hidden in the classroom objects by giving verbal hints: hot – when the child is looking in the right part of the classroom or going in the right direction and cold for the wrong part of the classroom/direction.
“Graphic dictation”
Teachers using words which describe direction (right, left, up, down) show students the way which they draw on a piece of checked paper. When working/playing with older students outside of school teachers can use points of compass (North, South, East, West)
What words do you know for giving directions?
Describing the position of objects (on the left/right of…, behind, in front of, on top of …, at the bottom of…)
How to get to a specific place?
The Sun as a point of reference (point to the South, North, East, West).
Set directions using compass.
- The map of classroom
- The map of playground.
- The way from nursery school to park, home, etc.
- others
A map of the town/city – mark your house or nursery school on the map.
A map of your country – mark the city/town you live in, the capital city of your country, draw sea, river or mountains.
Publishing scanned works on the project’s internet site.

3. A letter – Invitation to visit planet Earth
=> MS Komenskeho Ceska Kamenice / Czech Republic - WELOCOME TO!

Getting to know a globe. What can you find on a globe.
Continents, oceans, cold poles, our continent, our country.
Discussing the values of our planets.
What are the advantages of visiting the Earth?
What ecological problems do we have to solve and why?
The Earth – model of the Earth made using any technique.
A poster – an advertisement of the Earth for aliens made using any technique.
A letter – using words and pictures describe the Earth, ask aliens for a solution to any problems we have on our planet (ecological, social…)

4. The Solar System
=> Nursery Schoole Nr 5 in Glogow/Poland

What’s the place of the Earth in the Solar System?
Students get to know the names of planets and their position to the Sun and the Earth.
Using light in games.
Day and night in a doll house.
Playing with light – Chinese shadow theatre.
Model of the Solar System – two- or three-dimensional.
Students record the names of the planets in their native language, use them in PTT presentation.
Publishing the results of the games.

5. Sundial – two ways of measuring time.
=> EEI Gloria Fuertes / Spain - WELOCOME TO!

Mechanical clocks <-> sundial
Electronic clock <-> sundial
How do we measure time?
What is time set by?
When do the following change?
- Day into night?
- Seasons of the year.
Is the time measured with sundial the same as one measured with a modern clock?
Model of a sundial – made using any technique.
PPT presentation of pictures and drawings of children’s everyday activities.
Recordings of the names of activities in students’ native language and in English.
Graphic representations of the names of the seasons of the year (PPT presentation). Recordings of the names in students’ native language.

6. „Adventure in the Space” – creative storytelling, picture stories.
=> Dun Guzepp Zerafa / Malta - WELOCOME TO!

What creatures live on other planets?
What do they look like?
What languages do they speak?
Do they have families?
What do they do?
Tell one of their adventures.
Rymes, rythms, sound games…
Pictures of aliens’ families.
Tell one of aliens’ adventures, draw or paint a picture.
Make a PPT presentation or an interactive booklet.
Use a sound background.

7. Space trips – facts and myths about space exploration.
=>Cauldeen Primary / Scotland - WELOCOME TO!
=>KMS Horazdovice Czech Republic

What do adults want find in outer space and on other planets?
What are the advantages of space exploration?
Model of a spaceship, space station, etc. – pictures or films of the process of making the model (plans, materials, making and presenting the model)
An astronaut’s spacesuit made according to students’ design - pictures or films of the process of making the spacesuit.

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